
Veterinary professionals and their interactions with free-living native animals and the wildlife rehabilitation sector in NSW 08 February 2021


Thank you to all veterinarians and veterinary nurses who responded to the survey of the Veterinary Services Sector administered by National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS).  NPWS is very grateful for your assistance.

If you would like to review the findings of this research a paper has been published in the December 2020 edition of Australian Zoologist titled ‘A survey of veterinary professionals about their interactions with free-living native animals and the volunteer wildlife rehabilitation sector in New South Wales, Australia’....

Bushfire awareness training for wildlife emergency response personnel 02 February 2021


Nominations are being sought for suitable personnel from the wildlife rehabilitation and veterinary sectors to participate in bushfire awareness training for wildlife emergency response personnel.

Further information is available in the attached flier. Please circulate this information through your networks...

NSW DPI update - COVID-19 Interstate Border Restrictions 04 January 2021


Issued 3 January 2021 

Updated 7 January 2021


NSW Department of Primary Industries has established a COVID-19 Primary Industries Liaison Team to help primary producers navigate the challenges and impacts of COVID-19 on their business and industry.


The DPI COVID-19 Liaison Team is continuing to work with, and advocate for, our industry partners. 

NSW DPI recognises that this is a difficult time for our communities...

Inquiry into the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission 18 December 2020


The NSW Legislative Council's Select Committee on the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission is currently conducting an inquiry into the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission.

The original closing date for submissions and the online questionnaire was Friday, 4 December 2020, however, the submissions period has been extended to Friday, 29 January 2021.

You can lodge a submission by:

  • uploading it to the...

Help save Koalas in NSW 18 December 2020


Veterinary practitioners can contribute to koala conservation through the NSW Koala Strategy by providing koala genetic samples to the Australian Museum Koala Tissue Biobank. These samples will be used for important genetic analysis to help optimise conservation initiatives such as captive...

Domestic Violence NSW Report 08 October 2020

The report on Animals and people experiencing domestic and family violence: How their safety and wellbeing are interconnected from Domestic Violence NSW will be launched Wednesday 4 November, 2-3pm.

In July 2020, Domestic Violence NSW (DVNSW) surveyed over 100 domestic and family violence and community workers on this issue. More than half of the workers stated victim-survivors had disclosed a perpetrator killed their animal or animals. Over forty percent of workers stated victim-survivors with animals had delayed leaving a perpetrator for more than a year due to barriers to accessing support.


NSW Pet Registry Survey 06 October 2020

The Office of Local Government (OLG) is reviewing the function and operation of the NSW Pet Registry and would greatly appreciate feedback from veterinarians and veterinary nurses.

Please complete this survey to assist OLG with developing future improvements.  It should only take around 6 minutes to complete.


Consultation on regulation amendments for medical gas work 25 September 2020


Reminder: Have your say on a new medical gas work licensing scheme in NSW

The consultation on the regulation amendments for medical gas work closes on 27 September 2020. We encourage you to have your say on the new scheme.


Help us spread the word about the consultation

We’ve developed a communications pack to promote this consultation. We would appreciate if you could use the content included in the attached pack in your newsletters, websites and social media accounts.


About the consultation


NSW Pet Registry and Companion Animals Register 24 September 2020


NSW Pet Registry and Companion Animals Register password and email accounts

OLG has identified that a significant number of vet users have failed to specify an email address on their account profile or change their password from the default provided at the time of registration. This presents a risk to the system and user. An active email address is necessary for the password recovery function to be effective. OLG is encouraging vets and their staff to make these simple changes to their NSW Pet Registry profile.

If you are having trouble logging in to the Registry, please call the NSW Pet...

Annual permits implementation 24 September 2020


New advice about annual permits for non-desexed cats

The Office of Local Government (OLG) has provided further advice about the implementation of annual permits for non-desexed cats.

From 1 July 2020, the NSW Government introduced annual permits for owners of non-desexed cats, restricted dog breeds, and dogs declared to be dangerous. Cat owners who choose not to desex their cats are now required to pay an $80 annual permit in addition to their one-off lifetime pet registration fee, while owners of dangerous or restricted dogs need to pay a $195 annual permit in addition to the lifetime...
