
Invitation to test the new Pet Registry prototype 09 March 2021


The team at Customer Service NSW has been very busy designing the new Pet Registry system prototype and are in the process of gathering more feedback from our user groups to improve our design. 


Customer Service NSW is planning to run a few testing sessions (60-90mins online video call) sometime around the week starting Monday, 15th March 2021 and would like to extend an invitation to veterinarians, veterinary nurses and practice managers interested in participating.


Specifically, Customer Service NSW is looking for:


Help save Koalas in NSW 26 February 2021


Veterinary practitioners can contribute to koala conservation through the NSW Koala Strategy by providing koala genetic samples to the Australian Museum Koala Tissue Biobank.

These samples will be used for important genetic analysis to help optimise conservation initiatives such as captive breeding and repopulating habitat.

Samples collected from sick or injured free-living koalas for clinical purposes can be...

National Antimicrobial Resistance Strategy 26 February 2021


The One Health Master Action Plan to support Australia’s National Antimicrobial Resistance Strategy – 2020 and Beyond (Master Action Plan) is now available on the Australian Government One Health antimicrobial resistance (AMR) website.

While Australia’s National Antimicrobial Resistance Strategy – 2020 and Beyond (the 2020 AMR Strategy) presents Australia’s 20-year vision to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the Master Action Plan provides the guidance to implement its objectives over the next five years.

To effectively tackle AMR we need a ‘One Health’ approach: coordinated effort and action across...

Have you considered becoming a Board member? 26 February 2021


The term of the current Board will end 30 June 2021 and the Minister will be looking to select 6 members of the profession and 2 non-veterinarians for appointment by the Governor in the coming months.  The term of the Board is 3 years.

If you are an AVA member you should contact the NSW Division of the AVA to express your interest in representing the profession in one of the following categories:

  1. Specialist veterinarians
  2. Urban veterinarians
  3. Rural...

COVID-19 Update 26 February 2021


The situation with the COVID-19 pandemic is constantly changing.

For the latest information on border controls and other resources for the agriculture sector NSW DPI has developed the COVID-19 webportal.

General advice, rules, statistics and other resources for people and businesses are available from the NSW government COVID-19 website.




Welcome to our new Hospital Inspector 26 February 2021


John Rota has been appointed as the Board’s Hospital Inspector.

John comes to us with a strong professional background in biosecurity, agricultural management, equine reproduction, regulatory compliance and animal science, welfare and education. His previous career experience includes working for the Federal Department of Agriculture, managing several horse studs, and teaching equine management and farm practice.

John has also worked overseas managing dairy farms and providing ethical consulting services on breeding programs. He has also undertaken volunteer work as an infirmary assistant in a Bosnian...

CVO Bulletins 26 February 2021


There have been some amendments to the NSW Biosecurity legislation which will be of interest to veterinarians in NSW. 

These amendments include requirements relating to:

Australian Bat Lyssa Virus notification


Updating your veterinary hospital details 26 February 2021


Hospital licence renewals will be sent by email in June.

You can use the Find a vet or hospital function on our website to see the details we currently hold for your veterinary hospital.

If you have recently changed ownership or the hospital superintendent has changed you need to...

Updating your personal details 26 February 2021


Veterinary registration renewal notifications will be sent by email in June.

If your contact details have changed you can use your Vet Login to ensure we have the correct email contact and other contact details for you. 

If you do not yet have a Vet Login click on the Forgotten your password link from the Vet Login page and login details will be sent to the email address we have on our database.



Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence 26 February 2021


The Board has released a guideline for veterinarians and members of the public on the topic of animal abuse and domestic violence.

Some important points for veterinarians to consider regarding this topic include:

1. Confidentiality – client details

Please ensure you have policies in place regarding enquiries about contact details, release of records and confidential information and that these polices are regularly discussed and updated as required. 

2. Confidentiality – release to an officer under POCTA in relation to an alleged offence

