Information to the profession including latest trends, updates to legislation and regulations, updates to the Board's policies, and more.
2024 Boardtalk Issues
The term of the previous Board ended 30 June 2024 and a new Board was appointed by the Minister 19 September 2024. At our first meeting 15 October I was honoured to be elected President.
Firstly, I would particularly like to acknowledge outgoing members from the previous Board:
• Mrs Lisa Minogue who served on the Board as a consumer representative for four terms
and was a fierce proponent for the rights of consumers and the needs of farmers and rural
• Dr Georgina Child who served on the Board representing specialist veterinarians for four
terms and whose tremendous intellect ensured our decisions were fully informed and
• Dr Kate Mills who served on the Board representing academics in the field of veterinary
science for one term and ensured the priorities of animal welfare and professionalism were
always uppermost in our deliberations
• Mrs Sarah Hunter who served on the Board as a consumer representative for one term and
provided valuable contributions to strategy, governance and processes
• Dr Steven Ferguson who served on the Board as a Ministerial selection for three terms and as President from 2021 to 2024. Steve made significant contributions as a member and as President and ensured there was a strong foundation for the future work of the Board.
It was a privilege to serve with Lisa, Georgina, Kate, Sarah and Steve and I look forward to continuing
to work with Peter Alexander and Paul McGreevy and with new members Allison Harker, Ellenor
Nixon, Sandra Nguyen, Neil Walton and Julie Simmons.
I would also like to thank the staff of the Board for their dedication and commitment over the last 12
months. I would particularly like to add my thanks to Mary Lydamore who left the Board in July
after 18 years of service.
On behalf of all Board members and staff I wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy and safe
New Year.
Mags Awad
This year marks the centenary of registration of veterinarians in NSW. The Veterinary Surgeons Act 1923 led to the formation of the Board of Veterinary Surgeons and the holding of its first meeting in February 1924. Prior to this legislation any person was able to refer to themselves as a veterinary surgeon or veterinarian.
The Board sincerely thanks the Centenary Committee, led by Emeritus Professor Paul Canfield for their extensive research in compiling a chronological record that provides a fascinating insight into individuals, organisations and events that have shaped the profession over the past 100 years. Based on this research the Committee will award a small number of individuals as worthy recipients of a Centenary Medal and these awards will be presented at Parliament House this month.
This June marks the end of the three-year term of the current Board. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Board for their dedication, commitment and support. I would particularly like to thank Georgina Child and Lisa Minogue who will not be seeking re-appointment after 12 years of dedicated service.
Finally, on behalf of the Board we thank Mary Lydamore for her 18 years of dedicated service to the Board as she leaves her role as Deputy Registrar and Complaints Officer. Mary’s deep knowledge and understanding together with her highly regarded skills as a counsellor and her compassionate support to members of the public and veterinarians will be sorely missed.
Steve Ferguson
2023 Boardtalk Issues
Welcome to the final issue of BoardTalk for 2023.
Over the past twelve months the Board and office have continued working diligently, collaboratively, and productively as a regulator to not only meet our legislative requirements but also to engage with the veterinary profession and consumers as we continue to refine our processes, procedures, and interactions.
This issue provides information on:
- Spectrum of care
- Activities of the Board
- Complaints Committee Report
- Centenary of the profession in NSW
- Records
- News from NSW Health, NSW DPI, GWIC and Racing NSW
- Welcome to our new hospital inspector Jennelle Ferrier
Please also help our profession by responding to these surveys:
Evaluating recent graduates’ perceptions of competency in behavioural medicine
On behalf of all Board members and staff I wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year.
Steve Ferguson
President’s Report
Recently I had the honour of joining the academic procession at the University of Sydney veterinary graduation ceremony and leading the graduating DVM students in taking the Veterinary Oath. The Oath talks to the responsibilities we have as veterinarians to animal welfare, the community, and our patients. I urge all veterinarians to review the Oath and be guided by these principles.
The Board has recently finalised its Strategic Plan 2023-2026. Our purpose is to optimise animal welfare across NSW through the regulation of a sustainable and trusted veterinary profession.
Veterinarians are under ever increasing stresses due to ongoing workforce shortages, increased demand for our services and an increasing demand on how we provide those services. The Board is committed to working with our new government to review our legislation to ensure it remains fit for purpose.
Steve Ferguson
2022 Boardtalk Issues
Presidents Report
Over the past few years the veterinary profession has been remarkably resilient in the face of challenge after challenge. We have weathered COVID and continued to serve our communities under difficult circumstances only to be faced with floods throughout 2022.
Our thoughts go out to those practices and communities directly and severely affected by flooding this year. It is heartening to see our profession rally behind those personally affected.
On behalf of all Board members and staff I wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year.
Kind regards
Steve Ferguson
Welcome to the first edition of BoardTalk for 2022.
The previous few years have certainly presented novel and unexpected challenges to our profession.
Through our training we have been prepared for exotic disease outbreaks and emerging infectious diseases and our profession has an outstanding record of managing treats like Hendra and eradicated exotic diseases including equine influenza through working collaboratively.
As a profession, collegiality, supporting and working collaboratively with your peers, makes us all stronger.
Make the most of our post-COVID freedom and catch up with colleagues at local events, have a chat about sharing the afterhours load and support your colleagues when dealing with more challenging cases and clients.
Please also take some time to assist your colleagues and our profession by completing the following surveys:
Feline lower urinary tract signs
Best wishes
Steve Ferguson
2021 Boardtalk Issues
President's Report
The Governor recently appointed a new board for a three-year term. At the Board’s first meeting on 17 August 2021, I was honoured to be appointed president.
Firstly, I would like to sincerely acknowledge the significant contributions of Dr Kylie Parry, Dr Jane Lord, Dr Mark Simpson, and Mrs Wendy Cochrane who did not seek reappointment after years of dedicated service to the Board.
I would especially like to thank Dr Mark Simpson for his insightful mentoring and outstanding leadership as the Board’s president for the past 6 years. Mark has also led AVBC through a very difficult time with distinction. Mark, you have left the Board in a much better and stronger place and have set the foundations for continued improvement. I am truly humbled by the opportunity to lead the Board as a general practitioner veterinarian in the tradition of those before me.
On behalf of all Board members I wish you a merry Christmas and a very happy and safe New Year.
Steve Ferguson
President's Report
I take this opportunity, on the occasion of my final President’s report, in the dusk of the final of my four terms as a Board member, to give thanks to the circumstances that have given me the extreme privilege of serving on our New South Wales Veterinary Practitioners Board.
I have had the immense honour of sitting at the Board table and working in the Board office with the smartest, wisest and most compassionate leaders of our profession. These traits are so intense that you can not be with these people and not absorb some of their positive characters by some form of osmosis.
Not all of them have been veterinarians, but they all think and care like veterinarians. Their devotion to the best for our profession, and each animal and person affected by our profession, has been genuinely inspirational.
Their company has lifted me every meeting over the last 12 years and I celebrate their understated achievements.
I hope you enjoy this edition of BoardTalk.
Mark Simpson
2020 Boardtalk Issues
President’s Report
It is amazing the way that something like COVID-19, and the fundamental changes it has (and continues to) wrought on our society at large, and our profession more specifically, has completely upended many of the ways we do things.
It has been a very difficult year for many due to bushfires and the pandemic and I do hope you manage to spend some time with loved ones during the holiday season.
On behalf of all Board members and staff I wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year.
Mark Simpson
Inside this issue:
Where are the vets?
Complaints Committee
Recurring themes in complaints
Compounded pharmaceuticals
Peri-anaesthetic burns
Availability for care
DPI News
OLG News
Access to S4s and S8s
Christmas holiday hours
Welcome to the new look BoardTalk.
These days turned out nothing like I had planned is probably something we can all say (some even sing) but the profession should be very proud of its response to the bushfire and COVID-19 crises.
A new look BoardTalk but we will continue to focus on providing news from the Board, including a summary from the Complaints Committee, as well as news from various other stakeholders such as NSW DPI, NSW Health, the Office of Local Government, NSW Racing, and GWIC.
I hope you enjoy reading this issue of BoardTalk and please donate some of your time to assisting important research by completing a number of surveys available in this edition:
· Empathy in veterinarians survey
· Ethically challenging situations survey
· Wildlife emergency response survey
· Veterinary well-being survey
· Animal welfare reform survey
Thank you to all veterinarians and their staff.
Keep safe, and very best wishes.
Mark Simpson
2019 Boardtalk Issues
Inside this issue:
- President's Report
- From the Registrar's Desk
- LifeLine - 24 Hour Crisis Support
- Welcome Kate Drew
- From the Hospital Inspector’s car
- Free Antimicrobial Stewardship Course
- The Complaints Committee Report
- The Doctors’ Health Advisory Service: a confidential source of advice and support
- Use of Compounded Medications
- Emergency animal diseases – A field guide for Australian veterinarians
- Ownership, writing, maintaining and releasing records
- Emergency Animal Disease Watch Hotline
- Animal Health Surveillance Newsletter
- Stock Welfare Panels
- Successful partnership helps deal with invasive red-eared slider turtle
- Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) Surveillance Program
- Messages from the Farm Chemicals group
- EMAI Diagnostic Laboratories - Menangle
- Johne’s Disease vaccination of cattle
- Pet Greyhounds Muzzle Free
- Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission
- Racing NSW Update
- Abandoned Animals
- Availability to Care for an Animal
- Consent for euthanasia
- Confidential Help for Veterinarians
- Veterinary Training in Wildlife Treatment and Care
- Christmas Message
- Boardtalk
Inside this issue:
- President's Report
- Confidential help for veterinarians
- From the Registrar's Desk
- From the Hospital Inspector's Car
- Updating your veterinary hospital details
- The Complaints Committee Report
- Lifeline 24 hour crisis support
- CPD points
- Disability and disclosure
- Antimicrobial Resistance Strategy Consultation
- Confidentiality and patient photos
- Veterinarians knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding zoonoses
- Building, buying, owning or selling a veterinary hospital
- A message from the Greyhound Welfare & Integrity Commission
- Hospital Licencing policies and guidelines
- Updating your details
- Recovering fees and charges
- Human poisoning with veterinary products
- Animal Biosecurity Emergency Hotline
- Selling or giving away a cat or dog?
- Has an unusual non-native animal been handed in to your clinic?
- New veterinary permits
- Confidential Help for Veterinarians
- Update on Salmonella Enteritidis in NSW
- Registration number format is changing
- Registration Renewals
- Telemedicine
- Racing NSW Update
- Hospital Licence Renewals
- Changes to the membership of the Board
- Boardtalk
2018 Boardtalk Issues
Inside this issue:
- President's Report
- Confidential Help for Veterinarians
- Did You know?
- From the Registrar's Desk
- From the Hospital Inspector's Car
- The Complaints Committee Report
- Confidentiality - What's the secret?
- Q fever reminder – an occupational hazard for veterinary practice
- New and improved pet registry
- Board letterhead is changing
- Ownership, writing, maintaining and releasing records
- Stray Dogs and Cats
- Jury Duty
- LifeLine - 24 Hour Crisis Support
- Voluntary Removal from the Register
- National Recognition of Veterinary Registration
- Would you like to be a part of our ground breaking research in Canine Dementia?
- Veterinary Workforce Survey Reminder
EMAI Diagnostic Laboratories Menangle - Christmas and New Year trading hours
- Animal Biosecurity Emergency Hotline
- Chief Animal Welfare Officer Appointed
- Non-native pest animal reporting
- National harmonisation of veterinary prescribing and compounding rights
- Welcome to Kathryn McCarthy
- AVERT Spring Bulletin
- Practising equine veterinarians – please help
Board Christmas Close Down
- Boardtalk
Inside this issue:
- President's Report
- From the Registrar's Desk
- From the Hospital Inspector's Car
- Confidential Help for Veterinarians
- The Complaints Committee Report
- Current Standards in Pain Relief
- Compounded Pharmaceuticals
- LifeLine - 24 Hour Crisis Support
- Purchasing Restricted Drugs is a Privilege
- Avoiding Anaesthesia Related Complaints
- Prohibited Procedures
- Responsibilities When Sedating Animals
- Sedation of Rams for Shearing
- CPD Cycles
- Transfusion Practices in Dogs and Cats Research
- National Harmonisation of Veterinary Prescribing and Compounding Requirements
- APVMA Review of Macrolide Antibiotics
- Mandatory Reporting of Certain Non-native Animal Species - Outcome of Public Consultation
- Notice from Equestrian Australia to all Equine Veterinarians
- Hospital Licence Transfer Fee
- Hospital Licence Renewals
- Registration Renewals
- Resilience in Veterinarians: Research into Stress, Mental Health, and Mediating Factors
- Veterinary Workforce Survey 2018
- Amendments to Companion Animals and Other Legislation
- Surveillance Systems Survey
- Boardtalk
2017 Boardtalk Issues
Inside this issue:
- President's Report
- From the Registrar's Desk
- From the Hospital Inspector's Car
- The Complaints Committee Report
- NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal findings in Veterinary Practitioners Board of NSW ats Ms Janet Spate
- Hospital Licence Forms
- Emergency Animal Disease Watch Hotline
- Where are the new graduates?
- Responsible and Prudent Use of Antimicrobials in Veterinary Practice
- Cytotoxic drug safety for you, your team and your clients
- Sedation of Rams for Shearing
- Social support, insomnia and psychologiical distress in Australian veterinarians
- After hours care of patients or "Who will look after my pet when you are closed?"
- Storage of Euthanasia Solution
- Changes to requirements for accreditation of vets for companion animal export
- Requirements for computer generated prescriptions
- Honorary Registration
- Western Sydney Vet Forum
- Professor Rosanne Taylor retiring as Dean of School of Veterinary Science at The University of Sydney
- Confidential Help for Veterinarians
- Human theraputic products allowed for veterinary use by APVMA
- New APVMA Permits
State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Menangle Christmas and New Year trading hours 2017/18
- Submissions to the State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
- Australian Bat Lyssavirus
- B. suis in dogs
- Responsibilities when supplying medication
- Board Nominations for 2018
- Welcome to Melanie Robson
Board Christmas close down
- Boardtalk
Inside This Issue
- President’s Report
- From the Registrar’s Desk
- From the Hospital Inspector’s Car
- The Complaints Committee Report
- The Doctors’ Health Advisory Service
- Hospital Licence Renewals
- Registration Renewals
- Good Neighbour Project and training in early-age desexing
- Using the words expert, specialist or special interest when referring to a veterinarian’s practice
- Veterinary student placements
- Thank you Clare
- Ownership, writing, maintaining and releasing records
- Have you been unable to meet your CPD obligations?
- Consultation with the veterinary industry concerning updating Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing
- CPD Audit Questions and Answers
- Supplying veterinary medicines to other veterinarians
- Vets, Scripts, Written Authorities and Online Pharmacies
- The nuts and bolts of building, buying or selling a veterinary hospital
- Communication – the key to good outcomes
- Communication preferences for biosecurity information survey
- 2016 Australian Veterinary Workforce Survey
- Mental health and wellbeing of vets
- New biosecurity e-learning course for veterinarians
- Veterinary chemicals update
- An Occupational Hazard - Q Fever
2016 Boardtalk Issues
Issue 45
Inside This Issue
- President’s Report
- From the Registrar’s Desk
- From the Hospital Inspector’s Car
- The Complaints Committee Report
- CPD Audit
- Lost Drugs, Break-Ins And Online Pharmacies
- Are Your Drug Labels Compliant?
- Returns, Refunds And Re-Use Of Drugs
- Drug Storage
- Are You Employing A Veterinarian In NSW?
- Racing NSW Update
- Future NPWS Survey For Veterinarians And Veterinary Nurses
- Attitudes towards antibiotic use and resistance survey
- Referrals And The Code Of Professional Conduct
- Confidential Help for Veterinarians
- Availability To Care For An Animal
- Stock Medicines And Veterinary Chemicals Update From The DPI
- New E-Learning Module For Vets Visiting Hobby Farmers/Small Holders
- Registration And Principal Place Of Residence
- What Is Limited Registration?
- A World-First Project To Help Reduce Or Even Eradicate Canine Parvovirus
- Pet Registration Goes DIY And Digital
- Keeping Hospital Information Up-To-Date
- Brucellosis in dogs in NSW
- Abandoned Animals
- Career Breaks and Returning to Practice
- Your Experience and Views are Important to the Profession
- NSW DPI Laboratory Services
- Holiday office hours
In this issue
- President’s Report
- From the Registrar’s Desk
- Hospital licence renewals
- From the Hospital Inspector’s Car
- The Complaints Committee Report
- Peri-anaesthetic burns
- What does it mean to have “Conditions” on my registration?
- Personal biosecurity guidelines – increased awareness by the veterinary profession
- Honorary Registration “with conditions”
- Proof of registration
- Vaccinations by non-veterinarians - legal or not?
- Obligations concerning drug registers
- Caring for wildlife
- Australia’s veterinarians and the Frawley Review of 2003
- Are you employing a veterinarian in NSW?
- Certification and insurance
- What is a veterinary hospital?
- The nuts and bolts of building, buying or selling a veterinary hospital
- Veterinary Workforce Survey 2016
- Supply of tranquillisers for use in wildlife
- Peri urban pig project
- The NSW Pet Registry is being updated and the veterinarian’s role is even more vital
- Stock Medicines news and updates from the NSW Department of Primary Industries
- Impairment, self reporting and the Board’s Health Program
- Registration Renewals
- CPD Audit
- Informed consent
2015 Boardtalk Issues
Inside this issue
- President’s Report
- From the Registrar’s Desk
- From the Hospital Inspector’s Car
- The Complaints Committee Report
- Don’t be fooled by fraudulent prescriptions
- Vets and Stray Dogs and Cats
- Brucellosis suis in dogs in NSW
- Health of our veterinarians
- New appointments to the Veterinary Practitioners Board
- Training non-veterinarians to perform euthanasia
- Employing a veterinarian
- Social media and Veterinarians
- After hours care of patients
- Hospital licence renewals by email to superintendent
- DPI - Review of Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical Regulation in Australia
- DPI - Changes to product labels
- DPI - Antimicrobial Resistance Strategy 2015 – 2019
- DPI - New PCR test for Brucella suis in dogs
- DPI - Laboratory opening days over Christmas and New Year
- A Class Hospital is misleading
- Reporting illegally kept non-native animals in NSW
- Policies and guidelines
- Statistics
- NSWRacing - Important Notice to Owners and Trainers regarding FORMALDEHYDE
- NSWRacing - Rule banning all injections to Racehorses within one clear day before racing
- Registration Renewals by email
In this issue
- President’s Report
- Hospital licence renewals
- From the Registrar’s Desk
- From the Hospital Inspector’s car
- Compounding
- The Complaints Committee Report
- Identifying and contacting owners of injured and/or lost cats and dogs
- Health Program
- Hearing of Pups
- Do those pups have congenital deafness?
- Don’t pay your registration fee twice!
- Storage Of Euthanasia Solution
- Report from the Faculty of Veterinary Science
- The University of Sydney
- Self Prescribing
- Storing and Supply of Veterinary Records
- Registration Renewals
- Missing S8 and S4D Drugs
- Confidential Help for Veterinarians
- NSW DPI Articles for Boardtalk
- Emergency Animal Disease (EAD) Alerts
- NSW DPI Regional One Health And EAD Conference
- Bellinger River Snapping Turtle Mortalities
- Emergency Animal Disease (EAD) Online Training Course
- How To Report Sick Or Dead Wildlife
- Prompt Delivery Of Laboratory Samples To EMAI (Including After Hours)
- APVMA Seeking Stakeholder Input into Chemical Review Priorities
- APVMA Information Sessions
- Changes to Stockfeed and Pet Food Regulation
- Stock Medicines News And Updates
- Guidelines: Responsibilities of a Hospital Superintendent
- Racing NSW
- Confidential Help for Veterinarians
- New Website
- Anzac Day Memorial Service
- Staff and Students lost in WW1 (1914-1918)
- Staff and Students lost in WWII (1939-1945)
2014 Boardtalk Issues
Inside This Issue
President’s Report
From the Registrar’s Desk
From the Hospital Inspector’s car
Reports of alleged fraud on veterinary practices
Complaints Committee Report
More on compounded pharmaceuticals
Work health and safety and Hendra
Confidentiality – What’s the secret?
Confidential Help for Veterinarians
Complications of bandages and splints
Stock Medicines News and Updates
Barbervax – a new vaccine for Barbers Pole worm in lambs
Startect – a new broad spectrum oral drench for sheep
Tiguvon pour-on cancelled
Clean up of lead and other toxic substances - Protection of the Environment Act 1997
Laboratory Submissions to the State Veterinary DiagnosticLaboratory at EMAI
Primefact - Brucellosis (Brucella suis) in dogs
Laboratory opening days over Christmas and New Year
Emergency Animal Disease Bulletins
Intra-articular corticosteroid treatment stand-down period in thoroughbred racing
Board Staff
Inside This Issue:
- President’s Report
- Hospital Licence Renewals
- From the Registrar’s Desk
- Questions about bats?
- Complaints Committee Report
- Registration Renewals
- CPD Audit
- Neuticles
- Faculty of Veterinary Science - The University of Sydney
- Veterinary School at Charles Sturt University
- Abandoned Animals
- Mental Health in the Veterinary Profession
- Administrative Decisions Tribunal
- Helpline for Veterinarians - DHAS (NSW)
- Compounded Pharmaceuticals
- Updates from the Department of Primary Industries NSW (DPI)
- Veterinarian refuses to see a dog and bat
- Are you storing, handling or using Cyclophosphamide to treat patients?
- Tick Bites for People
- Anabolic steroid ban in horse racing
- Which steroids are banned under these rules?
- Which horses are affected by these rules?
- New Rule 178H:
- Meet the New Board Members
- Geoffrey Gibbons
- Ian Russ
- Companion Animals (Amendment) Act 2013 - The Key Changes
- Annual General Meeting
2013 Boardtalk Issues
Inside This Issue:
- President’s Report
- From the Registrar’s Desk
- Complaints Committee Report - November 2013
- From the Hospital Inspector’s Car
- Ticks Wanted!
- Faculty of Veterinary Science - The University of Sydney
- Veterinary School at Charles Sturt University
- Alprazolam Fact Sheet for Veterinary Practitioners
- Updates from the Department of Primary Industries NSW (DPI)
- Laboratory Submissions to the State Veterinary Diagnostic
- Laboratory at EMAI
- Laboratory opening days over Christmas and New Year
- Fraudulent certificates
- A Class Hospital is misleading
- Bats and companion animals
- Honorary Registration with and without Conditions
- Validation of your CPD points
- Specialist Veterinarians in NSW
- Do you have a Mobile or House call practice?
- The Veterinary Practice Regulation 2013 (NSW) - 10 September 2013
- Wildlife Care
- National Recognition of Veterinary Registration is getting closer to actually being National
- A Little of the History of Registered Veterinary Surgeons in NSW
- Code of professional conduct 2013
- Veterinarians Treating Thoroughbred Horses
- Board Staff
Inside This Issue:
- President’s Report
- Hospital Licence Renewals
- From the Registrar’s Desk
- Who Should Regulate Equine Veterinarians?
- What Is Happening With Proposed Changes To The Veterinary Practice Regulation 2006?
- What are the Trends in Numbers Of Vets and Hospitals in NSW?
- From the Hospital Inspector’s Car
- Complaints Committee Report - April 2013
- National Recognition of Veterinary Registration
- Complaint Handling Processes
- Report from the Faculty of Veterinary Science - The University of Sydney
- News From the Veterinary School at Charles Sturt University
- Informed Consent
- Registration Renewals
- Updates from the Department of Primary Industries NSW (DPI)
- Does My Veterinary Hospital Or Clinic Require A PIC?
- Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy Freedom Assurance Program (TSEFAP)
- Soil And Tissue Testing
- Improving Department Of Primary Industries Communications To Veterinarians
- Your Feedback Is Wanted!
- Reporting Emergency Animal Diseases
- Staff Changes In Department Of Primary Industries
- Practitioner in Residence Program
- University of Sydney – Dr Amy Pepper
- Charles Sturt University – Dr Randi Rotne
- Annual General Meeting
- Signing Certificates
- Confidential Help for Veterinarians
- Stray Dogs And Cats And The Role Of The Vet
- When Is a Dog a“Stray”?
- When Is a Cat a “Stray”?
- Some Examples Of When a Dog or a Cat is a “Stray”?
- What Does a Person Do With a Stray Or “Seized” Animal?
- What Do The Public Do With an Injured Animal?
- Do Councils Have To Collect Stray Dogs and Cats?
- Do Councils Have To Have An After Hours Service For Stray Cats and Dogs?
- Australian Veterinary Association’s Position Statement on Vaccinations
- Board Staff
2012 Boardtalk Issues
Inside This Issue
- President’s Report
- From the Registrar’s Desk
- Finances and the Annual Report
- Registration and licensing cycles
- Report from the Veterinary Practitioners Board Complaints Committee
- From the Hospital Inspector’s car
- Confidential Help for Veterinarians
- Report from the Faculty of Veterinary Science - The University of Sydney
- Charles Sturt University
- SCRIPTS again
- Dr Garth McGilvray AM
- Statistics of Interest to the Profrssion
- Use and/or supply of Expired Veterinary Chemical Products
- Expansion of Property Identification Codes (PICS) - NSW
- Hendra Virus Vaccination.
- Practitioner in Residence Program
- What are Your Responsibilities as a Veterinary Hospital Superintendent?
- Building, Buying or Selling a Veterinary Hospital
- Auditing of your Continuing Professional Development
- Emergency - Animal Disease Watch Hotline
- Meet the NSW Veterinary Practitioners Board
- Board Staff .
Inside This Issue
- President’s Report
- From the Registrar’s Desk
- From the Hospital Inspector’s car
- Report from the Veterinary Practitioner s Board Complaints Committee
- Administrative Decisions Tribunal
- Australian Veterinary Workforce Survey
- From the Department of Primary Industries
- Pig dogs with brucellosis pose potential threat to human health
- Q Fever and Veterinary Staff
- Exotic Animal Disease Newsletters and Bulletins
- Pigeon Paramyxovirus (PPMV1)
- Exotic Animal Diseases Refresher Course for Veterinarians
- Accreditation Program for Australian Veterinarians
- Stock Medicines Update
- Dispensing large animal drenches
- Stock Medicines Act controls
- Confidential Help for Veterinarians
- Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) submissions from sheep and cattle
- Vets Beyond Borders ... VetTrain 2012 India
- Report from the Faculty of Veterinary Science, The University of Sydney
- Clinical workplace learning at Charles Sturt University
- Registration forms are being sent out this month!
- Hendra Submissions
- Drugs of Addiction (Schedule 8)
- Quick Quiz
- Consultant? Specialist? Cat Vet?
- Attention - all veterinarians who prescribe antibiotics to food producing animals
- Professional Indemnity Insurance
2011 Boardtalk Issues
Inside This Issue:
- President’s Report
- From the Registrar’s Desk
- Report from the Veterinary Practitioner s Board Complaints Committee
- Inducements
- Continuing Professional Development
- Internet Purchases by Clients
- Report from the Faculty of Veterinary Science, The University of Sydney
- Charles Sturt University
- Department of Primary Industries pays for laboratory investigation of suspected Emergency Animal Diseases
- Occupational vaccination for veterinary staff
- ‘Bovine anaemia caused by Theileria orientalis’ – new name for benign Theileriosis
- The Role of Vets Sedating Animals for Lay Operators
- Stock Medicines Update
- Statistics of interest to the profession
- Q Fever - Also a Small Animal Zoonotic Disease
- Registration requirements for radiographic (X ray) equipment and the requirements for a ‘Licence to Use’ such equipment
- Notifi cation and Export Certifi cation for Veterinarians .
- Confidential Help for Veterinarians
- Please stick to the paper trail
- The Current Board
- Veterinary Practitioners of NSW Staff
- President’s Report
- Vet removed from the register by the Administrative Decisions Tribunal (ADT) for 4 years
- Emergency - Animal Disease Watch Hotline
- From the Registrar’s Desk
- Report from the Veterinary Practitioner s Board Complaints Committee
- The Facts .. Pesticides Training and Veterinarians
- Confidential Help for Veterinarians
- Report from the Faculty of Veterinary Science, The University of Sydney
- NEWS Relating to Stock Medicines
- Stray dogs and cats and the role of the vet
- Annual Registration
- Exotic Animal Disease Newsletters
2010 Boardtalk Issues
Testing sequencing of issues
Inside This Issue for December 2010:
- President’s Report
- From the Registrar’s Desk
- Report from the Veterinary Practitioner s Board Complaints Committee
- Veterinary practitioners and lay operators
- Emergency - Animal Disease Watch Hotline
- Information on NRVR in Victoria
- Statistics and the Profession
- Report from the Faculty of Veterinary Science, The University of Sydney
- Helpline for Veterinarians - DHAS (NSW)
- Stock Medicines News and Updates
- New Chief Veterinary Officer in NSW
- APVMA’S Position Statement on Vaccination of Cats and Dogs
- The Current Board
- Veterinary Practitioners Board Staff
Inside This Issue
- President’s Report
- From the Registrar’s Desk
- Report from the Veterinary Practitioners Board Complaints Committee
- Disciplinary Proceedings
- Kevin Polglaze v Veterinary Practitioners Board of NSW
- Your Questions and our Answers
- Medicines Update
- Review of the National Scheme for Assessment, Registration and Control of Use of Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals
- New product under permit for endotoxaemia in horses
- Ram sedation with ACP – organophosphate toxicity
- From a registered horse product information sheet
- Steroid controls
- Emergency - Animal Disease Watch Hotline
- Veterinary Teaching Hospital – Wagga Wagga
- Report on the centenary celebrations of the Faculty of Veterinary Science, The University of Sydney
- Continuing Professional Development Requirements
- Legislative changes will impact on health management of pig farms
- Veterinary Practitioners of NSW Staff
- Confidential Help for Veterinarians
2009 Boardtalk Issues
Inside This Issue
- President’s Report
- From the Registrar’s Desk
- Meet the NSW Veterinary Practitioners Board
- “Who will look after my pet when you are closed?”
- Report from the Board’s Complaints Committee
- Radiographic Equipment in your hospital?
- Do you have the appropriate licences?
- Report from the Faculty of Veterinary Science, The University of Sydney
- Responsibilities of Specialist Veterinarians
- Special Interest vs Specialist vs Particular Interest
- MARCH 2010 isn’t far away - Continuing Professional Development Requirements
- Helpline for Veterinarians - DHAS (NSW)
- Confidential Help for Veterinarians
- Medicines Update
- New AVA vaccination guide lines for dogs and cats
- Use of human products to treat animals
- New Product under permit for endotoxaemia in horses
- Ethyloestrenol (Oestrotain®) tablets for oestrus suppression in greyhounds
- Potential use of Halocur® (halofuginone as the lactate) to treat Theileriosis in cattle
- Biosecurity – who’s responsible?
- Debarking dogs? - Did you know
- Who is a “ Veterinary Practitioner”?
- Certification
Inside This Issue
- President’s Report
- From the Registrar’s Desk
- New web site
- Communicating with Clients
- Report From The Board’s Complaints Committee
- Emergency - Animal Disease Watch Hotline
- Supplying ketamine and similar products
- Steriod Supply and Use
- Coccidiosis in lambs
- Custom autogenous vaccines
- Statistics from Annual Return 08
- Postnominals and their use/abuse
- Confidential Help for Veterinarians
- Responsibilities of a Veterinary Hospital Superintendent
- Theileriosis – an emerging disease problem?
- Deadline Rapidly approaching
- ‘Swine flu’ information sites
- Microchip scanners
2008 Boardtalk Issues
Inside This Issue
President’s Report
From the Registrar’s Desk
Confidential Help for Veterinarians
Report From The Board’s Complaints Committee
Update on Equine Influenza (EI) and Hendra Virus
NSW Annual Registration Fee comparison with other Australian Veterinary Boards
Certification of disease status of livestock
Annual General Meeting of the veterinary profession
Report from the Faculty of Veterinary Science, The University of Sydney
News of Veterinary Science at Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga
Veterinary Medicines
Permethrin intoxication in cats
Inside This Issue
- President’s Report
- From the Registrar’s Desk
- Signing Veterinary Documents
- New Registration Category - ‘Secondary’ Registration
- Veterinary Medicines Update
- Report from the Complaints Subcommittee
- Questions from the Profession & Answers from the Board
- Statistical Information
- Radiographs
- Report from the Faculty of Veterinary Science, The University of Sydney
- News of Veterinary Science of Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga
- Emergency - Animal Disease Watch Hotline
- Abandoned animals
- Professional Development Requirements
- Confidential Help for Veterinarians
2007 Boardtalk Issues
Inside This Issue
- President’s Report
- From the Registrar’s Desk
- Report from the Complaints Subcommittee
- What is a “ Veterinary Practitioner”?
- Dr Who? New Board Policy Relating to Signing Certificates
- Ownership of Records
- Emergency - Animal Disease Watch Hotline
- Report from the Faculty of Veterinary Science, The University of Sydney – September VSAAC visit
- Confidential Help for Veterinarians
- News of Veterinary Science at Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga
- What type of Hospital Licence do you have and what type of Hospital Licence do you need?
- Use of Fasimec® Cattle Pour On and Genesis™ Ultra Pour On to treat dairy animals
- After hours vet care – cause of ill will between neighbouring practices, with the public and finally with the Board
- Is an owner allowed to perform “a restricted act of veterinary science” on their own animals ?
- Equine Influenza - Chief Veterinary Officer [NSW DPI] communication regarding Biosecurity procedures
Inside this Issue
- President’s Report
- From the Registrar’s Desk
- Avoid the red face and difficult phone call
- Confidential Help for Veterinarians
- News of Veterinary Science at Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga
- News From University of Sydney - Refurbishment of the University Veterinary Centre, Sydney
- International Doctors' Health Conference, Sydney 25-27th October 2007
- Annual Registration Payment and Annual Return
- Pay the annual fee
- Submit the annual return
- Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
- Honorary Practitioners
- New chemical registrations
- Diazinon review
- Injectable steroid controls
- The Future for Dimetridazole
- Use of Avian Influenza Rapid Diagnostic Tests
- Change of particulars to be notified
- Report from Complaints Subcommittee
- [1] Veterinary Surgeons Investigating Committee V Thompson [2007]
- NSWADT 107
- [2] Alteration of Records
- [3] Advertising offence
- [4] Retained rectal thermometer
- [5] Treatment and costs disputes
- [6] Second Opinions
- [7] Euthanasia of a family’s animal
- [8] An important reminder from the Board concerning injectable anabolic steroids
- [9] Certificates. [Please refer to past Boardtalks in particular August 2003]
- Remember
- Questions about radiographs?
- Answers are really all in the Code of Conduct
Inside This Issue
- President’s Report
- From The Registrar’s desk
- Hendra Virus Infection in a veterinarian - Alert for the profession
- Veterinary Hospital Requirements
- Large Animal Practices now require a Veterinary Hospital Licence
- Previous “C” Class Veterinary Hospitals please note
- Hospital Signs
- News from the Faculty of Veterinary Science, The University of Sydney
- Confidential Help for Veterinarians - Doctors Health Advisory Service
- News of Veterinary Science at Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga
- Complaints made to the Board about veterinary practitioners
- Legislation readily available
- Veterinary Medicines Generally
- Belle Bruce Reid Medal
- Declared Diseases Of Livestock
- Safe handling of cytotoxic (or antineoplastic) drugs
- Tablets/capsules1-2
- Injectable solutions1-2
- Reconstitution
- Administration
- Waste disposal
- Additional points about cytotoxic waste