
Registration renewals and updating your details 20 March 2020


Veterinary registration renewal notifications will be sent by email in early June.  Renewals must be completed by 30 June. 

If your contact details have changed you can use your Vet Login to ensure we have the correct email contact and other contact details for you. 

If you do not yet have a Vet Login click on the ‘Forgotten your password’ link from the Vet Login page and login details will be sent to the email address we have on our database.


Number of veterinarians in NSW 20 March 2020


The Board has recently provided information regarding the number of veterinarians in NSW by employment area and by registration division to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).


Number of Veterinarians in NSW
As at 31 December 2019


Figure 1 Total veterinarians: number of veterinarians by employment type


Figure 2 Total veterinarians...

Resignation of Hospital Inspector and Investigator Glenn Lynch 20 March 2020


Glenn Lynch, Hospital Inspector and Investigator


Glenn Lynch has recently announced his retirement after a period of employment with the Board extending almost 20 years.

Glenn joined the NSW Veterinary Surgeons Board (VSB) after senior regulatory roles with NSW Agriculture, AQIS and the National Registration Authority (now APVMA) as Hospital Inspector and later worked as Registrar until 2012 before returning to his position as Hospital Inspector and Investigator...

Racing NSW: Warning of Altrenogest in fillies and mares 20 March 2020



On 22 June 2018, Racing NSW provided notice to the industry in respect to the detection of trace levels of the anabolic steroid trendione and/or trenbolone in certain batches of veterinary prescription animal remedies containing the progestagen altrenogest, used to control the cyclical activity of fillies and mares.

Racing NSW advised that, until further notice, trainers in NSW should not administer injectable products containing altrenogest...

Updated user guides for the NSW Pet Registry 20 March 2020


The Office of Local Government (OLG) has updated the user guides for the NSW Pet Registry (Registry).

The NSW Pet Registry User Guide for Veterinarians and Authorised Identifiers (Vet and AI User Guide) provides a step by step guide to the major functions of the Registry for both Veterinarians and Authorised Identifiers.

The Vet and AI User Guide includes detailed instructions on how to create...

West Nile Virus and Murray Valley Encephalitis Virus 20 March 2020


The South Australian Health Department (SA Health) has advised that sentinel chickens in South Australia have tested positive for both West Nile Virus/Kunjin (WNV/KUN) and Murray Valley Encephalitis Virus (MVEV) during blood sampling that occurred near Waikerie on 28 February 2020.

Chickens are considered a good indicator of mosquito borne disease risk to the community as they readily produce antibodies to these diseases. Disease usually occurs in late Summer and Autumn.

Veterinarians in NSW have been asked to be on the lookout for clinical cases. Any animal suspected of being infected (...

CVO Bulletin March 2020 20 March 2020


2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

COVID-19 is continuing to spread throughout the world. There is no evidence that animals play a role in spreading this human disease.



Coronaviruses (CoV) are a family of RNA viruses. CoV infections are common in animals and humans. Some strains are zoonotic, but many strains are not.

In December 2019, human cases of pneumonia of unknown origin were reported in...

APVMA Adverse Experience Reporting Program 20 March 2020


The APVMA’s Adverse Experience Reporting Program (AERP) is a post-registration program that assesses reports of adverse experiences associated with the use of a registered veterinary medicine or agricultural chemical.

The APVMA is currently in the process of examining how the AERP is performing and looking to ensure that veterinarians are aware of this program and the benefits that it is able to deliver in relation to Agvet chemicals (including veterinary medicines).

If you have any comments or suggestions for...

What would you do if you suspected one of your patients to have an Emergency Animal Disease? Would you know who to call? Or how to proceed clinically? 20 March 2020


Two newly launched resources aim to help veterinarians and veterinary students to increase their knowledge and confidence around the detection, investigation, reporting and response to Emergency Animal Diseases (EADs).

The Emergency Animal Disease Surveillance Online Training modules have been collaboratively developed by the epidemiology teams from all of the Australian Veterinary Schools. The four modules are freely available online at and each takes approximately...

Survey: Assessment of body condition in cats and dogs in Australia 20 March 2020


Most veterinary clinics perform some type of body assessment of their patient as part of their regular consult. The objective of this study is to evaluate how often veterinarians and veterinary nurses in Australia assess body composition of dogs and cats. This is important to prevent obesity in small animals as this can lead to significant health problems such as musculoskeletal diseases, cardiovascular diseases and many more.   

I am seeking your participation to take part in this interesting...
