NSW DPI: Update COVID-19

New rules in NSW  

New rules have been announced that apply to the primary industries sector and its workers.

It is important during this time to postpone any unnecessary travel, limit business activity and encourage your workers to get vaccinated.

For the latest information visit www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19
Permits for travel to regional NSW   

Primary industries workers who reside in the Greater Sydney area, are now required to register their travel to regional NSW before travelling.

Greater Sydney does not include Shellharbour and the Central Coast for the purposes of this travel registration. See the Travel registration address checker to verify if you need to register your travel.

Registration is valid for a maximum of 14 days. You'll need to reapply for a travel registration, if:

  • you're travelling for more than 14 days, or
  • your travel dates change or need to be amended. 

You must carry your travel registration and supporting documents with you at all times as you'll need to provide these to NSW Police if requested.

You'll need to register to travel if you're:

  • travelling more than 50km outside of Greater Sydney for work and you are:
  • inspecting a property because you genuinely need a place to live in (no investment properties)
  • moving between residences, including travelling to your second home if you:
    • are using the home for work (if so, only the worker may travel), or
    • need to undertake urgent maintenance, repairs, or attend to animal welfare (if so, only one person may travel to the second home).

Further information and to apply go to Register to travel to regional NSW | Service NSW
New restrictions around workplaces and authorised workers from the LGAs of concern 

A number of new rules will apply for workers and businesses in the LGAs of concern as follows:

  • From 12.01am Monday, 23 August the following retail premises must close except for click and collect: garden centres and plant nurseries, office supplies, hardware and building supplies, landscaping material supplies, rural supplies, and pet supplies (tradespeople are allowed to shop in-store where relevant)
  • Authorised workers who work outside their LGA of concern are only permitted to work if rapid antigen testing is implemented at their work-site or they have had their first vaccination dose by 30 August.
  • From Saturday, 28 August, authorised workers from the LGAs of concern  are required to carry a permit from Service NSW declaring that they are an authorised worker and cannot work from home; and
  • From Saturday, 28 August, anyone entering an LGA of concern for the purposes of work must carry a worker permit issued by Service NSW.


Mandatory mask wearing

From 12.01am Monday, 23 August, mask wearing will be mandatory when outside your home, except when exercising. For further information on mask wearing, visit Face mask rules | NSW Government

For the latest information visit www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19


Queensland border crossing changes for primary industries workers 

There have been a range of substantial changes overnight on arrangements for crossing the border from NSW to Qld, especially for essential and agricultural workers.

The new arrangements, which apply to anyone entering Qld from 1 AM, 21 August 2021, are not retrospective, and are being applied by Qld enforcement agencies on border crossing points now.

All people crossing the border should expect to come into contact with officials conducting compliance and enforcement operations, and there are spot checks being conducted further afield in Qld.
Farmer and agribusiness class exemption

A new class exemption will continue to 30 November 2021, unless amended or revoked. There are limitations to who can use the class exemption. 

The class exemption only applies to the NSW border zone.

The class exemption:

  • is restricted to farmers and agribusiness workers residing in Queensland and the New South Wales border zone
  • includes a schedule of specific types of workers of farmers and agribusiness workers to which the exemption applies:
    • farmers with contiguous farms dissected by the Queensland–NSW border
    • farmers with one or more active farm production sites
    • specialist farm machinery operators for time-critical agricultural operations such as planting, fertilising, spraying and harvesting.
    • specialist agronomists providing time-critical crop production advice
    • specialist technicians, including maintenance and repair, for agriculture activities such as agricultural production storage
    • specialist veterinarians and critical support technicians to prevent significant adverse animal welfare outcomes only where an animal cannot practicably be transported for treatment.
  • requires evidence of a negative test in the last 7 days and continued 7-day testing cycle; and evidence of at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccination having been administered
  • requires compliance with stay-at-home quarantine rules for 14 days, and you can only leave your private residence for a select number of reasons including: performing essential farming or agribusiness work where the work is of a nature that cannot reasonably be performed from the person’s place of residence; to obtain food or other goods; to exercise outdoors; to obtain a COVID-19 test or vaccination. In addition, anyone subject to the stay-at-home requirements may have up to 2 visitors per day to their home.

You must put into place a quarantine management plan, keep records of any close contacts and only travel directly to and from farm and/or place of residence.

The class exemption does not cover someone who has been to an interstate exposure venue or is a close contact of someone who has, anyone with a confirmed COVID-19 case or has COVID19 symptoms or has travelled outside of the border zone in a COVID-19 hotspot, unless 14 days have passed.

After you apply online for your Queensland Border Declaration Pass, please carry your documentation with you. You must now read and be aware of all conditions in the attached class exemption.
Specialist or essential worker endorsement (if the class exemption cannot be used)

The specialist or essential worker endorsement process may be another option for entry into Queensland. 

You will need to clearly demonstrate that you have seriously attempted to source workers from outside of hotspot areas and demonstrate why it is critical for entry.

The same stay at home requirements and limitations will apply. Further detail on this process will be provided once made available by the Queensland Government. 

A new, dedicated heavy vehicle COVID-19 testing site has opened at the Caltex service station in Goondiwindi. The testing site will support regional freight drivers in meeting their mandatory testing requirements under the Queensland Freight Protocol.

  • surveillance testing requirements in the protocol that applies to operators travelling between Queensland and COVID-19 hotspot
  • have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccination. The preference is for freight operators to be vaccinated.


Expect spot checks and compliance to be conducted.
Essential worker vaccine requirements

  • Essential workers will only be allowed to cross the border for work if they have had their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
  • They must carry proof of vaccination. This can be the MyGov records accessible by an app on your phone, or the card you are issued at the vaccination centre.
  • If people haven’t received their first vaccine they will be turned around at the border.
  • This applies to Queenslanders travelling into the New South Wales border zone to undertake essential work, as well as New South Wales border zone residents who are travelling to Queensland for essential work.
  • The vaccine requirements do not apply to freight and logistics operators operating under the agreed freight protocols.

 If you require further information, please contact Qld DAF by email: info@daf.qld.gov.au or call 13 25 23.

Helpful contacts 

To find out more information contact 



This news article was published on 26 September 2017.