
CPD points 22 March 2019


The CPD year for each veterinarian runs from 1 April to 31 March and you are required to report the number of structured and unstructured CPD points attained during this time in your Annual Return.  You will be invited to submit your Annual Return in May together with payment of your annual registration renewal fee.

Over any 3 year period you must attain 60 CPD points including at least 15 structured points.  Structured and unstructured CPD point allocations were developed by the AVBC and the AVA and the ...

Updating your veterinary hospital details 22 March 2019


Hospital licence renewals will be sent by email in May.

You can use the Find a vet or hospital function on our website to see the details we currently hold for your veterinary hospital.

If you have recently changed ownership or the hospital superintendent has changed you need to submit the required form to the Board.

Please note that the Board licenses the premises and therefore if...

Updating your details 22 March 2019


Veterinary registration renewal notifications will be sent by email in May.

If your contact details have changed you can use your Vet Login to ensure we have the correct email contact and other contact details for you. 

If you do not yet have a Vet Login click on the ‘Forgotten your password’ link from the Vet Login page and login details will be sent to the email address we have on our database.

The legislation requires that any change in your details (particulars) be updated...

Review of the NSW Volunteer Wildlife Rehabilitation Sector 22 March 2019


In 2017, The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) undertook a survey of NSW veterinarians, veterinary nurses and support staff to better understand the scale of their contribution to free-living wildlife, the challenges they experience and the views about the volunteer wildlife rehabilitation sector.

The survey was part of a larger review of the wildlife rehabilitation sector which helped form the basis for the development of a new...

Recovering fees and charges 22 March 2019


Only a veterinarian or the holder of a hospital licence is able to recover fees or charges from doing restricted acts of veterinary science.  Further, only an individual veterinarian, a corporation or firm in which one or more veterinarians has or have a controlling interest, or an exempt corporation, firm or body is able to hold a veterinary hospital licence.

There is no provision in the veterinary practice legislation for a trust to be the holder of a veterinary hospital licence.

All businesses are required to provide proof of transaction, such as a tax invoice or receipt, to consumers for goods and...

Research into human poisoning with veterinary products 22 March 2019


The University of Sydney in conjunction with the NSW Poisons Information Centre (PIC) is conducting research on human poisonings and exposures to veterinary products.  This includes veterinarian and veterinary practice staff exposure and the general public who contact veterinary practices or veterinarians after exposure to veterinary products.

Our research team has designed a survey for veterinarians who are members of the Veterinary Practitioners Board of NSW (Board) to complete.  The survey is voluntary and all data presented from research will be completely non-identifiable.  Completion of the...

Changes to the Board - Farewell to Dr Ian Russ 22 March 2019


Ian Russ retired from the Board 31 December 2018.

Ian had been the AVA NSW Division nomination representing veterinarians in urban areas and served with the Board from 5 May 2014 to 31 December 2018. 

On behalf of the Board, Board staff, the profession and the public I would like to thank Ian for his commitment to the regulation of the veterinary profession in NSW. Ian brought a strong professional ethical foundation to Board discussions and his thoughtful, respectful and diverse contributions ensured sound decision making. 




Changes to the Board - Welcome to Dr Magdoline Awad 22 March 2019


Magdoline Awad has a Bachelor of Veterinary Science degree from the University of Sydney and was appointed to the Board 20 February 2019 as the AVA NSW Division nomination representing veterinarians in urban areas.

Magdoline also has a graduate degree in Veterinary Professional Practice Management, and Membership of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in the Animal Welfare Chapter. She was a member of the Animal Research and Review Panel NSW from 2008-2016 and is a member of the UNSW Animal Care and Ethics Committee. She is the NSW representative for the AVA Welfare and Ethics special...

Changes to the Board - Welcome to Dr Jane Lord 22 March 2019


Barbara Jane Lord graduated in 1980 from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science degree with honours and was appointed to the Board 4 July 2018 as the veterinarian representing academics in the field of veterinary science.  

After graduation, Jane spent the next year as an intern at the University of Sydney Rural Veterinary Centre at Camden (equine referral hospital) where she obtained a Diploma in Veterinary Clinical Studies. She then moved into mixed practice in Albury, NSW, a year later acquiring Albury Veterinary Hospital (later known as Family Vet Centre). Jane worked as a sole...

Resignation of South Australian Board from AVBC 22 March 2019


The Presiding Member of the Veterinary Surgeons Board of South Australia (VSBSA), Mr Strachan, informed the profession in South Australia in an email dated 19 December 2018 of the VSBSA’s withdrawal from the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC).

AVBC has determined that it will do all within its powers to minimise the impact of the VSBSA resignation on veterinarians, whether registered in South Australia or elsewhere in Australasia.  Protection of the public remains the key principle.  Until a new model can be formulated, the AVBC will continue to provide its services to stakeholders as if the...
