Resignation of Hospital Inspector and Investigator Glenn Lynch


Glenn Lynch, Hospital Inspector and Investigator


Glenn Lynch has recently announced his retirement after a period of employment with the Board extending almost 20 years.

Glenn joined the NSW Veterinary Surgeons Board (VSB) after senior regulatory roles with NSW Agriculture, AQIS and the National Registration Authority (now APVMA) as Hospital Inspector and later worked as Registrar until 2012 before returning to his position as Hospital Inspector and Investigator.


As Registrar Glenn oversaw a number of significant changes to the Board including:

  • Employing a new team of staff and ensuring all staff were appropriately trained
  • Sourcing new premises
  • Introduction of the Veterinary Practice Act 2003 and Veterinary Practice Regulation 2006 and the Veterinary Practitioners Code of Professional Conduct
  • Upgrading of the Board’s database and website
  • Introduction of compulsory Continuing Professional Development
  • Introduction of online payments and electronic submission of the Annual Return
  • Writing of the Oath for new graduate veterinarians in NSW
  • Introduction of processes for dealing with impaired veterinarians
  • Enhancing reporting processes and the Annual Report and designing processes for the newly required AGM of the veterinary profession in NSW


Glenn’s strong links with NSW AVA, the Ministers Office, NSW Agriculture, the AVBC, NSW Health, other Boards and allied stakeholders was vital to achieving success in this role. He took regulation of the profession personally and remains a strong advocate for the profession and protection of the public.

All the Board members and staff thank Glenn for his significant contribution to the regulation of the veterinary profession in NSW and wish Glenn well in his retirement.





This news article was published on 04 January 2021.