RHDV1-K5 Wild Rabbit Control Program, Central Coast - Release Date 17 March


Important Notice to Vets

A wild rabbit control program is scheduled for the Central Coast Local Government Area in mid-March 2022 and will include the release of Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV-K5), a rabbit calicivirus K5 strain.

Rabbits are a declared pest species under the Local Land Services Act 2013. Competition and land degradation by wild rabbits is listed as a key threat to Australian native animals, plants and Endangered Ecological Communities under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.

RHDV-K5 is released as a live virus in solution to chopped carrots.


The RHDV1-K5 release date is: 17 March 2022.


This notification is to allow veterinarians time to inform clients of the need to vaccinate pet rabbits as all rabbits, including pet rabbits can be affected. For best protection rabbits should be vaccinated prior to 1 March 2022.

For more information on the program see this notice from the Local Land Services.





This news article was published on 14 June 2024.