2016 May - Peri-urban pig project

Did you know all pig owners must obtain a Property Identification Code (PIC) for their property regardless of the number of pigs they own or the intended purpose of those pigs (pet, commercial or for private consumption)?

The Department of Primary Industries is currently running a “peri urban pig project”. This project aims to increase the number of pig owners in NSW with property identification codes (PIC) as is required under the Stock Diseases Act 1923 to allow tracing in the case of a disease outbreak. It is also to provide information regarding pig feeding requirements, specifically the risks of swill feeding.

Under the Stock Diseases Regulation 2009 (Pt 6 cl 71) it is illegal to feed pigs any meat or meat products as well as anything that has come into contact with such products. This includes table scraps, bakery waste and grocery waste that either contains or has had contact with meat.

To assist veterinarians and pig owners DPI has prepared the following documents which are available from the Board’s website under News, DPI: Peri urban pig project: 

PIC Information

Pigs as Pets

Swill feeding prime facts sheets

PIC application 


These can be circulated to clients via newsletters and social media