2016 December - What is limited registration?
Submitted by cnathan on
What is limited registration?
A person may be granted limited registration if the Board is satisfied that the person does not have all the qualifications necessary for full registration but has such qualifications in veterinary science and experience in the practice of veterinary science as to justify the granting of limited registration.
Limited Registration may be granted by the Board to allow a person to practise veterinary science for a specific purpose or a limited time.
The most common purpose is to allow a veterinary graduate from overseas to prepare for the clinical component of the National Veterinary Exam. Limited registration is typically granted for one year but a person may re-apply if additional time is required to prepare for this exam.
A person with Limited Registration must be supervised by a registered veterinarian (other than a veterinarian with Limited Registration) and the supervising veterinarian(s) must sign the Supervising Veterinarian Declaration Form.
The Board has developed a policy on Requirements for Limited Registration to assist graduates from overseas and potential supervisors (see Resources, Policies, Registration).