2016 December - NPWS survey for veterinarians and veterinary nurses
Submitted by cnathan on
Future NPWS survey for veterinarians and veterinary nurses
The National Parks and Wildlife Service is developing a survey for veterinary professionals about their interactions with those volunteer groups who rescue and rehabilitate sick and injured wild native animals.
The survey is part of a larger project aimed at helping Government facilitate more effective wildlife care and inform future accreditation of the volunteer sector.
Veterinarians and veterinary nurses are in many places important regular contributors to the sector and often undertake work on a pro bono or at-cost basis. This survey will help NPWS better understand and quantify the contribution they make toward wildlife care, their views about their own training in wild native animal treatment and the capacity and quality of service delivery provided by the 4000 volunteers who make up the sector.
The survey will be made available from the News section of the Board’s website later in December.