CVO Bulletin: Bluetongue virus update 30 April 2024
NSW Department of Primary Industries and the CSIRO Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP) confirmed the presence of bluetongue virus (BTV) in samples from four sheep properties.
The detection of the virus was confirmed by qPCR (quantitative polymerase chain reaction) at ACDP on 15 March 2024. As of 26 April 2024, BTV has been detected on 32 clinically affected sheep
properties, all within the NSW BTV transmission zone.
This detection does not change Australia’s status for bluetongue virus, as reported to the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH).
Bluetongue transmission...
TGA Statutory Advisory Committee position 29 April 2024
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has recently commenced the recruitment process for statutory advisory committee positions that will become vacant on 31 December 2024.
We are seeking your organisation’s support to promote applications from prospective candidates, through advertisement in newsletters or via email. We also encourage you to forward this information on to any other colleagues that may be interested. Attached is feature information that can be used for distribution.
We are seeking applications from professionals and consumers with expertise in relevant medical or...
Taronga Wildlife Treatment and Care Training 18 April 2024
Partially subsidised for eligible applicants*
in Wildlife Treatment & Care
Developed for Veterinarians & Vet Nurses by Taronga’s wildlife health experts with contributors from the University of Sydney’s Koala Health Hub.
Koala health and disease - Ask an expert! 11 April 2024
Koala Health and Disease – Ask and Expert!
Do you have burning questions about chlamydia treatment in koalas? Have you wondered about how the koala gut works? What is koala retrovirus and how does it affect koalas?
This live, online forum is an opportunity to engage with three experts on all things koala health and disease. Dr Amber Gillett, Dr Donald Hudson and Prof Mark Krockenberger will field your questions and provide current and best-practice information on koala health and management of disease.
Join us on: Tuesday 30th April, 6-7pm
Bluetonge virus update and information session 04 April 2024
Dear stakeholder,
NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) and the CSIRO Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP) have confirmed the presence of bluetongue virus (BTV) in samples from 11 sheep properties.
BTV is an insect-borne viral disease affecting ruminants. It is primarily a disease of sheep. It is not contagious and is transmitted by biting midges (Culicoides spp).
BTV cannot be spread from animals to humans. It does not affect people or food safety.
BTV outbreaks can result in animal movement and trade restrictions.
Tests confirmed the virus strain BTV-1 at the 11 properties,...
CVO Bulletin Bluetongue virus 21 March 2024
NSW Department of Primary Industries and the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP) have confirmed the presence of bluetongue virus (BTV) in samples from four sheep properties. The detection of the virus was confirmed by qPCR at ACDP on 15 March 2024.
Tests confirmed the strain BTV-1 at the four properties, which are within the north-east NSW BTV transmission zone. BTV1 is known to occur within the zone.
BTV cannot be spread from animals to humans. BTV does not present a food safety risk and all Australian lamb and mutton remains safe to eat. The virus causes production losses and mortalities in...
CVO Bulletin Bluetongue virus 21 March 2024
NSW Department of Primary Industries and the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP) have confirmed the presence of bluetongue virus (BTV) in samples from four sheep properties. The detection of the virus was confirmed by qPCR at ACDP on 15 March 2024.
Tests confirmed the strain BTV-1 at the four properties, which are within the north-east NSW BTV transmission zone. BTV1 is known to occur within the zone.
BTV cannot be spread from animals to humans. BTV does not present a food safety risk and all Australian lamb and mutton remains safe to eat. The virus causes...
Survey: Competency in canine behavioural medicine 29 February 2024
We are conducting a research project on competency in veterinary behavioural medicine.
We aim to find out how recent veterinary graduates in Australia perceive their level of competency in behavioural medicine, as well as determine factors which contribute to their perception. This will provide an insight into how the Australian veterinary curriculum may be improved to ensure students feel well-prepared for their first role in the profession.
For this study, we are seeking veterinarians in Australia with up to 3 years of experience in...
Board appointments for 2024 09 February 2024
The term of the current Board will end 30 June 2024 and the Minister will be looking to select 6 members of the profession and 2 non-veterinarians for appointment by the Governor in the coming months. The term of the Board is 3 years.
If you are an AVA member you should contact the NSW Division of the AVA to express your...
Equine Neurological Disease Investigation Workshops 08 February 2024
NSW Department of Primary Industries will be hosting a series of equine neurological disease investigation workshops for NSW veterinarians and paraveterinarians in March 2024.
This free training opportunity provides an opportunity to reconnect with veterinary colleagues and earn 3 CPD points.
Click here to register or for more information. Please...