Koala health and disease - Ask an expert!


Koala Health and Disease – Ask and Expert!

Do you have burning questions about chlamydia treatment in koalas? Have you wondered about how the koala gut works? What is koala retrovirus and how does it affect koalas?

This live, online forum is an opportunity to engage with three experts on all things koala health and disease. Dr Amber Gillett, Dr Donald Hudson and Prof Mark Krockenberger will field your questions and provide current and best-practice information on koala health and management of disease.

Join us on: Tuesday 30th April, 6-7pm

Register using this link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/koala-health-and-disease-ask-an-expert-tickets-875628888577?aff=oddtdtcreatorIf

Q&A: You will have the opportunity to post questions live during the webinar. If you would like to submit questions beforehand, please use this link to do so: Submit Q&A




This news article was published on 26 July 2021.