Survey: Competency in canine behavioural medicine


We are conducting a research project on competency in veterinary behavioural medicine. 

We aim to find out how recent veterinary graduates in Australia perceive their level of competency in behavioural medicine, as well as determine factors which contribute to their perception. This will provide an insight into how the Australian veterinary curriculum may be improved to ensure students feel well-prepared for their first role in the profession. 

For this study, we are seeking veterinarians in Australia with up to 3 years of experience in companion animal practice as well as graduating final-year veterinary students to complete an anonymous survey that takes no more than 5 minutes to complete. The survey asks for participants to provide some background information, details and perceptions of the behavioural teachings they received in their veterinary curriculum, and to indicate how competent they feel in various aspects of behavioural medicine. 

We request that participants read the Participant Information Statement (included at the start of the survey). Participants can then proceed to complete the survey by clicking on the following link: 

Thank you very much for your help!  

Best wishes  

Dr Ingrid van Gelderen and Ms Pei Lin Soo 



This news article was published on 19 September 2018.