VPB: NRVR in South Australia

National Recognition of Veterinary Registration (NRVR)

The Veterinary Surgeons Board of South Australia is pleased to announce as of 1 January 2015, South Australia now has national recognition of veterinary registration (NRVR).

NOTE: ACT, Northern Territory and Western Australia are the remaining territories and state which do not have NRVR.

This means that veterinarians, who currently hold primary registration in another Australian State or Territory and reside permanently in that place, are entitled to practise as a veterinary surgeon in South Australia without having to register with the Veterinary Surgeons Board of South Australia.

NRVR applies equally to veterinarians with specialist registration.

Conditions and limitations placed on any registration by another Australian Veterinary Board will apply to the veterinarian when they practise in South Australia and of course while working in South Australia; they must comply with the obligations, requirements and conditions as set out in South Australian legislation.

When does an interstate registered vet need to apply for registration in South Australia?
Once an interstate registered vet takes up permanent residence in South Australia, they are required to apply for (primary) registration with the Veterinary Surgeons Board of South Australia. In practical terms, if an interstate registered vet moves to a permanent or ongoing position in South Australia, they can commence working immediately in South Australia under NRVR, but must lodge their application for registration as soon as practicable.

This news article was published on 26 February 2021.