VPB: Have Your Say On Matters Concerning Western Sydney Vets

Registered vets are invited to attend an open forum to discuss issues affecting vets in the Western Sydney area. This is a joint initiative of the NSW Division of the AVA and the Veterinary Practitioners Board of NSW and the forum is open to all registered vets.

When:              Thursday 31st August, 2017
Time:                6.30pm for 7.30pm start
Venue:              Rooty Hill RSL Club, Concept Room 2
Address:          33 Railway Street, Rooty Hill
Cost:                 $20 a head, which includes finger food.
Registration:    On-line

Vet Ed points: 2.00

When registering if you are not an AVA member please put four zeros into the registration form for Member Number.

Topics for discussion will include:

·         Negative social media

·         Management of stray animals and how this impacts on customer service

·         Working with local councils

·         How the Board manages complaints

·         AVA’s mentoring scheme

·         Assistance that can be provided by the AVA and the Board

This forum will also be an opportunity for you to network with local vets but, more importantly, we want to hear from you on the key issues that are affecting our vets in the Western Sydney area.  So please come along to this facilitated open discussion and share your thoughts and concerns.

 All registrations for this open forum are on-line and a credit card payment is required for registration.

We look forward to seeing you on the night. 

This news article was published on 09 September 2019.