Updated User Guides for the NSW Pet Registry


The NSW Pet Registry User Guide for Veterinarians and Authorised Identifiers (Vet and AI User Guide) provides a step by step guide to the major functions of the Registry for both Veterinarians and Authorised Identifiers.

The Vet and AI User Guide includes detailed instructions on how to create microchip records and update the desex status of a pet, as well as new sections on how to create and manage litter and offspring records, how to use the buyer search functionality and how to report a lost and found cat or dog on the Registry.

The NSW Pet Registry User Guide for Pet Owners and Breeders (Owners and Breeders User Guide) provides instructions on how to create a user profile, connect pet records to user profiles and how create a litter and add offspring.

Both User Guides supersede the 2016 versions. 

Please refer cat and dog owners and breeders to the Owner & Breeder User Guide so that owners and breeders can ensure their pets are registered and their contact details are updated on the Registry.

Both User Guides can also be accessed on the NSW Pet Registry at https://www.petregistry.nsw.gov.au/#/faq and the OLG website at https://www.olg.nsw.gov.au/pet-ownership.


Download NSW Pet Registry User Guides - Pet Owners & Breeders

Download NSW Pet Registry User Guides - Veterinarians & Authorised Identifiers



This news article was published on 20 March 2018.