National Recognition of Veterinary Registration

Issue 49 - National Recognition of Veterinary Registration


Interstate Registration and National Recognition of Veterinary Registration (NRVR).

National Recognition of Veterinary Registration (NRVR) will be introduced in the ACT with the commencement of the Veterinary Practice Act 2018 (ACT) on 21 December 2018.

Under NRVR veterinarians registered in any state or territory of Australia have deemed registration in other states and territories. 

2017 December - NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal findings in Veterinary Practitioners Board of NSW ats Ms Janet Spate



The Veterinary Practice Act 2003 (Act) (s 34) provides that a decision by the Board to refuse registration may be reviewed by the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Tribunal).

2016 December - Registration and principal place of residence

National Recognition of Veterinary Registration (NRVR) in NSW means that veterinarians registered in another jurisdiction in Australia are able to work in NSW as deemed registrants.

In jurisdictions where NRVR has been enacted veterinarians must register in the jurisdiction of their principal place of residence.  NRVR therefore allows greater mobility of veterinarians throughout Australia. 

In jurisdictions yet to implement NRVR (Western Australia, Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory) veterinarians must register where they work.

2016 December - Are You Employing A Veterinarian In NSW

Are You Employing A Veterinarian In NSW?

If you are employing a veterinarian in NSW or a person who will have the descriptor ‘veterinary’ in their title (with the exception of a veterinary nurse) you have a responsibility to ensure that person is a registered veterinarian. 

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