Survey: Companion animal euthanasia practices of veterinarians in Australia


Euthanasia of companion animals is performed in both emergency and non-emergency circumstances by veterinarians in Australia.

We are seeking to document the methods of euthanasia utilised by Australian veterinarians.

This online survey is completely anonymous, and we estimate it will take no longer than 10 minutes.

The survey is open to veterinarians registered in an Australian State or Territory. All participants must be over 18 years of age.

You can choose to withdraw from the study at any time until you press the SUBMIT button at the end of the survey.

For further information including a participant information statement and to access the link, please copy and paste the following link into your browser, or click here:

The study is being undertaken by DVM Research and Enquiry students Hedia Chan and Bri Pepper.

For inquiries about this study, please contact Anne Quain at the Sydney School of Veterinary Science:





This news article was published on 04 March 2022.