Survey: “A breath of fresh air” exploring veterinary-based barriers to BOAS treatment


We would greatly appreciate your participation in our online survey on brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS) and brachycephalic dog management which should take less than 10 minutes of your time.

The aim of this study is to assess general practitioner veterinarians understanding and perceptions of BOAS, the recommendations they make based on their understanding and perceptions of the disease and the unique challenges they face managing brachycephalic dogs over their lifetime.

  • Establish existing knowledge & knowledge gaps
  • Identify extrinsic factors influencing knowledge, attitudes & perceptions
  • Identify veterinary barriers to patient treatment access

Please click on the following link to begin the survey. You can save your progress and return if needed.

For more details on the see the survey infomation sheet.






This news article was published on 28 September 2023.