Specialist registration


Veterinarians with full registration are able to submit an application for registration as a specialist. 


Apply for specialist registration using your Vet Login

There are two pathways for registration as a specialist in NSW:


1. Mutual Recognition

If you are not currently registered in NSW and have specialist registration in another Australian jurisdiction or in New Zealand you will need to create a login and apply for registration in NSW.  Once you have been granted full registration in NSW you will then be able to apply for specialist registration using the Registration and Apply buttons available from the veterinarian portal. 

The Board may request a copy of the documentation used in the assessment of your eligibility for specialist registration directly from the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC) or other relevant authority if applicable.

2. Application to the Board

If you are not registered as a specialist in another Australian jurisdiction or in New Zealand you will need to seek an assessment of your eligibility for specialist registration by the Advisory Committee on the Registration of Veterinary Specialists (ACRVS) of the AVBC.  The AVBC will then provide a recommendation to the Board as to whether your qualifications in veterinary science and experience in the practice of veterinary science are sufficient to justify the granting of specialist registration.  Guidelines for assessment of eligibility for specialist registration are available from the AVBC

Once you have received this recommendation from the AVBC you will need to login to the veterinarian portal and apply for specialist registration using the Registration and Apply buttons. 

The Board will review your application for specialist registration together with your assessment documentation (provided to the Board directly from the AVBC).

Please note that you are not able to practice as a specialist or use the term specialist or any derivative of this word in relation to your practice unless you have been granted specialist registration by the Board.  If you are granted specialist registration your name will appear on our online Register and you will receive a certificate of specialist registration.

Separate fees apply to both the assessment of your eligibility by the AVBC and to your application to the Board.