Research: VetSet2Go Employability Survey

What capabilities contribute to veterinary employability?

If you are employed in the veterinary industry (employee vet, practice owner, non-veterinary practice manager, nurse, academic, or part of a professional organisation), then we invite you to participate in the VetSet2Go Employability (Stakeholder Perceptions) Survey.

VetSet2Go is a collaborative project involving researchers from Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, investigating the perspectives of the multiple stakeholders invested in the veterinary profession (recent graduates, employers and clients).

The link to the VetSet2Go Employability (Stakeholder Perceptions) Survey is available as of Monday 19th September 2016. It will be live for 6 weeks, until Friday 28th October 2016. 10 minutes of your time adds valuable data to this research which has the potential to impact the teaching of our veterinary students.

Employability has been a focus of government policy and subsequently research during the last two decades, but what does this really mean in the veterinary context?

Have your say. Participate now.

Here is more information, or
Dr Melinda Bell | PhD Student, Murdoch University | | +61 8 9360 7344

This news article was published on 20 March 2020.