NSW Pet Registry Temporary shutdown


The NSW Pet Registry has been temporarily shut down to allow urgent maintenance and upgrading work to accommodate the introduction of annual permits for non-desexed cats and dangerous and restricted dogs from July 1.

These works include necessary security upgrades to protect the system and the data it holds.

This shutdown has unavoidably affected operations at animal pounds and shelters, however, is necessary to ensure the ongoing integrity of the Pet Registry.

The NSW Government apologises for the disruption and is working as quickly as possible to complete the required work.

In the meantime, Office of Local Government (OLG) staff retain limited access to the NSW Pet Registry to retrieve animal owner information.

Council and veterinary staff can send an email to the NSW Pet Registry with an animal’s microchip number and our staff can provide confirmation of the current owner and their contact information.

This will enable pets to continue to be reunited with their owners while the temporary shutdown remains in place.

At this stage, OLG staff will not be able to create new records or alter existing records. This functionality will be reintroduced as soon as possible.

OLG will continue to work with councils and veterinarians to minimise the impacts of the NSW Pet Registry temporary shutdown on staff, pet owners and animals.  

Requests for animal owner information can be emailed to the NSW Pet Registry at pets@olg.nsw.gov.au.

Any questions can be directed to the NSW Pet Registry helpline on 1300 134 460.

The Police Assistance Line (131 444) will also be available from today, June 24, to support council and veterinary staff with owner information requests from the NSW Pet Registry.



Tim Hurst
Deputy Secretary, Local Government, Planning and Policy

Office of Local Government | Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
T 02 8289 6800  |  E olg@olg.nsw.gov.au
Locked Bag 3015 Nowra NSW 2541





This news article was published on 19 September 2018.