NSW DPI update - COVID-19 Interstate Border Restrictions


Issued 3 January 2021 

Updated 7 January 2021


NSW Department of Primary Industries has established a COVID-19 Primary Industries Liaison Team to help primary producers navigate the challenges and impacts of COVID-19 on their business and industry.


The DPI COVID-19 Liaison Team is continuing to work with, and advocate for, our industry partners. 

NSW DPI recognises that this is a difficult time for our communities and industries, and the DPI COVID-19 Liaison Team response remains in place to continue to respond to the needs of primary producers and can be contacted directly at covidinfo@dpi.nsw.gov.au.  
The DPI COVID-19 webportal is updated as information becomes available. 


Interstate travel restrictions 

In recent days a number of states have updated their requirements for travellers from NSW.

For the latest detailed information, you are advised to visit the website for the state you will be travelling to

You can find full details on each state and territory at Travel to and from NSW

NSW does not have any travel restrictions in place so travellers may cross the border into NSW.  

If you transit through NSW to another location restrictions from other states may apply. 



Victoria has introduced measures to assist primary producers and agricultural workers who need to enter Victoria as part of the National Agricultural Workers Code for Cross State Border Movement.

Agricultural and primary producing businesses are required to follow the National Agricultural Workers Code. Page seven of the Code identifies what activities are covered under the National Agricultural Workers Code and are eligible to apply for a Victorian permit.

Information for those living or working in the identified border region communities is also included below.


Border permits for primary producers and agricultural workers 

Primary producers and agricultural workers can now apply to enter Victoria under a border permit as of the 4th January 2021.

These arrangements will provide primary producers and agricultural workers with the same safeguards as workers in other essential industries.

Those who obtain a border permit will be required to:

  • Only remain in Victoria for the period necessary and minimise contact with other people in Victoria
  • Self-quarantine when not working and only leave accommodation for takeaway food or drink, bathroom stops, medical care, to obtain a coronavirus test or in an emergency
  • Wear a face mask in all public places
  • Get regularly tested for COVID-19 whilst in Victoria.   


As per the National Agricultural Workers Code, you are required to travel with each of the following to produce to border officials:

  • A valid border permit
  • Evidence of identity and confirmed place of residence
  • Evidence such as a letter of employment, business contract, evidence of property ownership or lease, evidence of agistment arrangements, and 
  • A business COVID safety plan.   


Agricultural workers who need to cross the border can apply for a permit at service.vic.gov.au or contact Agriculture Victoria on 136 186 for further information.

Border communities

Those living in border region communities will continue to be able to access the Cross Border Community area for agricultural and primary production work.  

They will also be exempt from obtaining and carrying a border permit if they have not left the Cross Border community area in the past 14 days.

If you live in one of the local government areas included in the ‘border bubble’ you can cross the Victorian border with your drivers licence (or other form of photo identification that includes your address).

Victorian border area residents can only travel into the NSW border area region and not beyond.

More information is available here.

Use of the Murray River

Border community residents can use the Murray River for recreational purposes as part of the Cross Border Community area.  

NSW residents, outside of the Cross Border Community area can use the Murray River and should avoid disembarking on the southern bank. Should residents need to disembark, they must stay below the top of the river bank and should not mingle with Victorian residents. 

Victorian residents are not permitted to board a boat with NSW residents who reside outside of the border community region.


South Australia 

People who have been in New South Wales within 14 days are not permitted to enter South Australia.

Exemptions are available including for agriculture which is classified as an essential service.

A Cross Border Community Travel Zone has been created that includes Wentworth and Broken Hill.

People in the 100km zone on the NSW side will be permitted to enter SA and travel anywhere in SA. 

  • You can find an overview and information about the South Australian border direction here.
  • Updates to advice will be made here.
  • Frequently asked questions are available here.
  • Details and exemptions are available here.  


Australian Capital Territory

Public health directions are in place requiring anyone who has been in the Northern Beaches, Greater Sydney, Central Coast and Wollongong local government areas to notify ACT Health of their intention to travel to the ACT.

  • An overview and the latest information can be found here.



Any person who has been in NSW after 1am on 11 December, 2020 is required to apply for and receive a Queensland Border Declaration Pass.

All farmers and agribusiness workers needing to move between Queensland and New South Wales to perform essential agribusiness services or farming activities must still apply for the Ag Class Exemption as well as the Queensland Border Declaration Pass.



Travellers who have spent time in a medium or high-risk areas and premises in the 14 days prior to arrival in Tasmania can seek to enter the State as an essential traveller if their travel is for identified critical work, health, compassionate or other specified reasons.

  • You can find information about Tasmanian border restrictions here.


Western Australia

Travellers are permitted to enter Western Australia subject to conditions. Those seeking to travel to Western Australia will be asked to obtain a G2G Pass.

  • More information about Western Australia’s border restrictions here.
  • Frequently asked questions are available here.
  • You can apply for a G2G Pass here.


Northern Territory

There are border controls in place for all arrivals to the Northern Territory.
All arrivals to the Northern Territory are required to:

complete 14 days of quarantine if you have recently been in a declared COVID-19 hot spot.



This news article was published on 20 March 2018.