Notice of Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting in Tamworth 20 November 2018

You are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the veterinary profession in New South Wales at the Quality Hotel Powerhouse Tamworth, Armidale Rd, Tamworth from 7.00pm Tuesday 20 November 2018.

Prior to the AGM the Board will be providing a short presentation on complaint investigations and the current demographic profile and movements of the veterinary profession in NSW.

For catering purposes, if you will be attending please RSVP via email, telephone or facsimile by close of business Friday 9 November 2018.


Telephone             02 8338 1177
Facsimile               02 8338 1077

This event will provide attendees with 2 structured CPD points.

AGM Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome
  2. Presentations
    1. Complaint Investigations
    2. Analysis of Demographic Data
    3. Discussion
  3. Attendance and apologies
  4. Confirmation of minutes
  5. President’s Report
    1. Activities of the Board for the past financial year
    2. Fees payable by veterinary practitioners and remuneration of members of the Board
  6. Presentation of Audited Financial Statements
  7. General business
  8. Close


This is an opportunity for you to meet the Board members and discuss issues regarding regulation of the veterinary profession in NSW.

A light supper and refreshments will be provided.






This news article was published on 05 November 2014.