
DPI: Peri-urban pig project 09 February 2016

All pig owners must obtain a Property Identification Code for their property regardless of the number of pigs they own or the intended purpose of those pigs (pet, commercial or for private consumption).

The Department of Primary Industries is currently running a peri urban pig project. This project aims to increase the number of pig owners in NSW with property identification codes (PIC) as is required under the Stock Diseases Act 1923 to allow tracing in the case of a disease outbreak. It is also to provide information regarding pig feeding requirements, specifically the risks of swill feeding.

Under the Stock...

DPI: Biosecurity Act 2015 09 February 2016

The introduction of the Biosecurity Act 2015 will change the way biosecurity risks are managed in NSW. The Department of Primary Industries is currently developing the regulations, policies and procedures that will support the Act.  Discussion papers have been developed to start the conversation on the best way to manage biosecurity risks into the future and these are available from

AVA: Annual Veterinary Workforce Survey 2016 03 February 2016

The Veterinary Workforce Survey 2016 is now available from the following link:  

The survey is administered every second year to examine the current profile of the veterinary profession and anticipate future trends and changes. The information is intended to help the profession, government, veterinary boards and others to understand how the provision of veterinary services may be affected by various factors, including increasing or decreasing numbers of veterinary graduates...

DPI:CVO Bulletin –Australian bat lyssavirus infection in juvenile bats 18 December 2015


 Main points

  • Always use Personal Protective Equipment1 (PPE) when handling bats even if they appear healthy.
  • Any person handling bats should be vaccinated against rabies.
  • DO NOT allow bats of any age, whether healthy or sick to be handled or touched by children or other people who do not have a current rabies vaccination.


For more information please read the...

GRNSW: Greyhound Racing NSW Disease Surveillance Program 14 December 2015

At GRNSW we’ve recently received a spate of reports of illness in racing greyhounds, and we’d like to be able to more accurately gauge the prevalence of the problem.

Greyhound Racing NSW would greatly appreciate your participation in a new Disease Surveillance Program.

The aim of the program is to systematically record and review disease occurrence in the racing greyhound population of NSW, so that action may be taken to minimise outbreaks.

Over recent weeks, we have been alerted to a number of cases of illness with a common - but not consistent - link to a pet meat source. Symptoms have varied from...

DPI:CVO Bulletin –Samples needed from Brucella suis positive dogs 07 December 2015

The DPI is developing a Polymerase Chain Reaction Test (PCR) for improved Brucella diagnosis and is requesting that private veterinarians collect samples for validation of the test.

The DPI will cover the cost of transport and testing of samples at the SVDL.

More information:
Please read the Bio Security Bulletin
Contact VO Orange on (02) 6391 3752 or (02) 6391 3717
Phone the...

VPB: Notice of Annual General Meeting 16 October 2015

The Annual General Meeting of the veterinary profession in New South Wales will be held at the Holiday Inn, Bourke Rd and O’Riordan St Mascot from 7:30 pm Tuesday 17 November 2015.

Meeting Agenda

  1. Presentation of the audited financial statements of the Veterinary Practitioners Board of NSW (Board).
  2. A...

DPI:CVO Bulletin – Eastern Grey Kangaroo Mortalities 14 October 2015

Please read the Bio Security Bulletin regarding Eastern Grey Kangaroo Mortalities in NSW, ACT and Victoria, July - September 2015.
This Bulletin is issued on behalf of  Ian Roth - the Chief Veterinary Officer in NSW.
Please address any queries you have regarding the information in the linked bulletin to:


DPI:CVO Bulletin – Enhanced surveillance for disease in turtles 29 September 2015

Please read the Bio Security Bulletin regarding enhanced surveillance for disease in turtles (pdf 392kb). This Bulletin provides information about a disease syndrome affecting a unique turtle species on the NSW north coast.

This Bulleting is issued on behalf of  Ian Roth - the Chief Veterinary Officer in NSW.

Please address any queries you have regarding the...

DPI:CVO Bulletin – Hendra virus case at Lismore 08 September 2015

Please read the Bio Security Bulletin regarding a Hendra virus case at Lismore found in Sept 2015 (PDF 147kb). This Bulleting is also aimed at Horse Owners, providing information about the importance of vaccination and safe handling of sick horses.

This Bulleting is issued on behalf of  Ian Roth - the Chief Veterinary Officer in NSW.

Please address any queries you have regarding the information...
