Inquiry into veterinary workforce shortage - invitation


Dear Registrant

The NSW Legislative Council's Portfolio Committee Number 4 – Regional NSW is currently conducting an inquiry into the Veterinary workforce shortage in New South Wales. Please find below an invitation from the Chair, Mr Mark Banasiak, seeking your input.


Veterinary workforce shortage in New South Wales


About the inquiry

The terms of reference for the inquiry, media release and information guides are attached for your information.


On behalf of the committee, I would like to invite you to make a submission to the inquiry. The closing date for submissions is Friday 21 July 2023.


Lodging a submission

You can lodge a submission by:


Lodging a submission as an individual

When you lodge your submission, please let us know if you are requesting that:

  • your submission be published in full on the website including your name
  • your submission be published in full on the website but with your name removed
  • only particular sections of your submission be published and other sections be kept confidential
  • all of your submission including your name be kept confidential.


Lodging a submission on behalf of an organisation

Please consider the above options as they relate to the organisation, noting that 'your name' in this instance refers to the organisation's name, not the individual submitting it. The name of an individual lodging a submission on behalf of an organisation will not be published on the website.


Please note that it is the committee's decision on how to deal with your request. Personal contact details and signatures will automatically be removed from all submissions.


Find out more

You can find further information about the inquiry on the committee's website or alternatively by contacting the secretariat on 9230 3071.


The committee would appreciate your contribution to this inquiry. Please confirm receipt of this email.


Yours sincerely


Mark Banasiak

Committee Chair


Making a submission

Upper House committees

Media release

Terms of reference







This news article was published on 08 August 2022.