GRNSW: Greyhound Racing NSW Disease Surveillance Program

At GRNSW we’ve recently received a spate of reports of illness in racing greyhounds, and we’d like to be able to more accurately gauge the prevalence of the problem.

Greyhound Racing NSW would greatly appreciate your participation in a new Disease Surveillance Program.

The aim of the program is to systematically record and review disease occurrence in the racing greyhound population of NSW, so that action may be taken to minimise outbreaks.

Over recent weeks, we have been alerted to a number of cases of illness with a common - but not consistent - link to a pet meat source. Symptoms have varied from nonspecific malaise to sudden death, with gastrointestinal and neurological abnormalities also observed, and multiple dogs in a kennel usually affected.

Pathology thus far has been non-diagnostic. Should any further cases arise, we would be particularly interested in post mortem tissue and meat sampling, and may be able to offer assistance in this area.

If you encounter any of the following in a greyhound patient:

  • sudden or unexpected death
  • neurological symptoms
  • gastrointestinal symptoms
  • respiratory symptoms
  • non-specific symptoms affecting multiple dogs in a kennel

Please contact GRNSW Disease Surveillance Manager Dr Anne-Louise Knox, via email at or telephone on (02) 8767 0500.

All identities will be treated with sensitivity.

For further information about this program, veterinary certificates and injury reporting in greyhounds please see the attached letter to veterinary practitioners from GRNSW.


Please address any queries you have regarding this news item to:
Dr Anne-Louise Knox
GRNSW Disease Surveillance Manager
T: (02) 8767 0500

This news article was published on 04 July 2024.