Evaluating veterinarians’ perceptions of veterinary professional conduct


We are conducting a research project to find out about veterinarians’ perceptions of the level of importance of professional conduct criteria.


The aim of the study is to gain a current industry perspective of what is important when describing veterinary professional conduct. This will guide educators in curriculum developments that reflect current industry standards in an Australian context.


For this study, we are asking Australian veterinarians to complete an anonymous survey that takes no more than 2 minutes to complete. The survey asks for basic demographic information and then asks veterinarians to rate the level of importance of 15 statements that relate to veterinary professional conduct. These statements have been developed from the national Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) member standards for professional conduct that are publicly available on their website. This research project is not being conducted on behalf of the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA).  


The survey is open to all Australian veterinarians, and we request that participants read the Participant Information Statement that you can download here. Participants can then proceed to complete the survey by clicking on the following link: 




Thanks very much for your help! 


Best wishes


Dr Ingrid van Gelderen and Ms Qingxiao Huang




This news article was published on 20 December 2022.