Emergency Animal Disease and Zoonotic Disease Webinar Program
For veterinarians and para-veterinary staff
NSW Department of Primary Industries, in conjunction with Local Land Services and the Australian
Veterinary Association, are relaunching the webinar program for veterinarians and para-veterinary staff
in clinical practice, including small, mixed or large animal practitioners. In addition to the 10 original
presentations, a new presentation on African Swine Fever has now been included.
The program consists of:
• 11 pre-recorded presentations, each approximately 30 minutes in length, to be viewed anytime
between Thursday 7 May and Tuesday 9 June 2020.
• 2 live Q&A panel sessions with topic presenters, each 1 hour in length on Wednesday 3 June
1.00-2.00pm and Tuesday 9 June 7.00-8.00pm (AEST).
There is no cost to participate in this program.
Veterinarians will be entitled to 6 structured CPD points if the program is completed. Viewing of all 11
presentations and participation in one of the two Q&A panel sessions are required for completion.
Please note, you are not entitled to the CPD points if you have previously completed this program.
Veterinarians may be asked to diagnose or advise on conditions with significant potential economic,
social or human health implications. This webinar program brings together speakers to enable
practitioners and clinic staff to be better informed in these areas. The Department of Agriculture and
Water Resources, and Animal Health Australia, have contributed funding for this program.
Presentation topics:
• Obligations for reporting and notification in NSW
• Submitting samples to the State Veterinary Laboratory
• Antimicrobial resistance
• Prion diseases and the TSE program
• Brucella suis and Australian Bat Lyssavirus
• Poultry emergency animal diseases
• Zoonoses from the human health perspective
• Wildlife mass mortalities
• Hendra virus
• Management of unusual non-native animals
• NEW - African Swine Fever
To register your interest in participating in this Webinar program, please follow
the link: https://login.redbackconferencing.com.au/landers/page/752879
For more information on the program email: jane.brien@lls.nsw.gov.au