DPIRD: EAD Vet Wrap Newsletter


The emergency animal disease (EAD) vet wrap newsletter is a quarterly newsletter prepared and distributed by NSW DPIRD. The newsletter aims to keep veterinary professionals up to date with EAD preparedness activities of the Animal Biosecurity unit, NSW Department of Primary Industries and provide updates on what is happening in our state and on Australia's borders.


The NSW Government’s commitment to EAD prevention and preparedness activities reflects the significance of animal industries to our state’s economic livelihood. Preparation and timely responses are key to avoiding or limiting the impact of an EAD.


Veterinary professionals play a pivotal frontline role in helping to protect NSW animal industries. Not only providing veterinary services to owners but educating them on animal health and good biosecurity practices to prevent disease introduction, establishment and spread.


Each newsletter includes topics such as an EAD situation update, NSW disease watch including aquatic and terrestrial EAD response updates, EAD exclusion investigations and available training and resources.


To subscribe to the newsletter people can email the Animal Biosecurity Vet Engagement Mailbox biosecurity.vetinfo@dpi.nsw.gov.au




This news article was published on 06 March 2025.