Domestic Violence NSW Report

The report on Animals and people experiencing domestic and family violence: How their safety and wellbeing are interconnected from Domestic Violence NSW will be launched Wednesday 4 November, 2-3pm.

In July 2020, Domestic Violence NSW (DVNSW) surveyed over 100 domestic and family violence and community workers on this issue. More than half of the workers stated victim-survivors had disclosed a perpetrator killed their animal or animals. Over forty percent of workers stated victim-survivors with animals had delayed leaving a perpetrator for more than a year due to barriers to accessing support.

DVNSW invites you to join the virtual launch of this report on animals and people experiencing domestic and family violence, which is informed by the lived expertise of survivor advocates.  DVNSW will share key survey findings and recommendations for law, policy, program and practice change to improve the safety of animals and people experiencing domestic and family violence.

You can register for this event via Eventbrite


This news article was published on 22 March 2019.