African Swine Fever Virus is spreading throughout Asia and Eastern Europe

African Swine Fever (ASF) virus can affect domestic and feral pigs of all ages. Clinically ASF can present as a peracute, acute, subacute or subclinical/chronic disease.  Clinical manifestations include high fever (up to 42°C), inappetence, ‘blotching’ of the skin, incoordination, diarrhoea, vomiting and respiratory signs.

Veterinarians who suspect African Swine Fever in pigs must report it to the Local Land Services on 1300  795 299 or the Emergency Animal Disease Watch Hotline on 1800 675 888.

ASF virus is not zoonotic - humans are not at risk. Currently, there are no vaccines available.

Please read the CVO Bulletin.

This news article was published on 17 October 2018.