2024 Centenary Awards


The Centenary Medal Awards are the culmination of a concept created by the Veterinary Practitioners Board of NSW by way of recognising outstanding veterinarians over the past 100 years since the beginning of formal registration in 1924. The concept led to the formation of a five-member Centenary Committee whose task it was to identify those outstanding individuals.


The process began with the establishment of a timeline that led to the identification of more than 100 veterinarians who had contributed to the advancement of the veterinary profession, particularly in the areas of public health, animal welfare or professional practice. The Committee acknowledges that not all outstanding veterinarians working in NSW over the past 100 years were identified in the timeline but hopes that will happen in the future through an ongoing process. 


The hardest task for the Centenary Committee was the selection through a voting system of the recipients of the Centenary Medals from all the wonderful individuals mentioned in the Centenary Timeline: for all were worthy of recognition as all left their mark on the veterinary profession and society. We trust and hope that we have performed that task of selection unprejudiced and with due diligence, open-mindedness and generosity.


The recipients of the medals were selected by the Committee for a variety of reasons, but all had something in common: a significant level of selflessness and devotion in their leadership and service roles. This was displayed irrespective of their area of greatest contribution, namely Animal Welfare, Public Health or Professional Practice. In most instances, the recipients provided commitment at the expense of personal life. All displayed passion for their area of greatest contribution and many showed courage in extolling their strong beliefs and actions. Many can be regarded as pathfinders, role models and catalysts for change. Others are more akin to quiet achievers who create and implement without thought of accolades or rewards. Hopefully, the Committee has captured individuals from all areas of contribution and with different roles in advancing the Veterinary Profession.


Finally, it was a great privilege and joy for the Centenary Awards Committee to be asked by the Veterinary Practitioners Board of NSW to identify and select outstanding veterinarians. We thank them for that privilege. And I believe I can speak for all my colleagues in the Committee in stating that the process has reinforced our pride in belonging to such a wonderful profession.


Emeritus Professor Paul Canfield

Chair, Centenary Committee, Veterinary Practitioners Board NSW


Centenary Awards Presentation

Images from the event

Centenary eBook





This news article was published on 04 July 2024.