CVO Bulletin Australian bat lyssavirus


Australian bat lyssavirus confirmed in a black flying fox in Byron Bay- August 2023.

Australian bat lyssavirus (ABLV) was detected in a subadult female black flying fox from Byron Bay on 17th August 2023. Brain, salivary gland, and buccal swabs all tested positive on ABLV (Pteropid) PCR at the NSW Department of Primary Industries’ Animal and Plant Health Laboratory at the Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute (EMAI).

Confirmatory testing was performed at the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP), with brain samples testing positive on Australian bat lyssavirus- pteropid real time PCR and the fluorescent antibody test for Lyssavirus antigen.


Chief Veterinary Officer Full Bulletin



This news article was published on 24 September 2020.