Weeds in Wildlife Microbiomes: antibiotic resistant bacteria in wildlife


Thursday 30 March 2023

6:00pm – 7:00pm

Delivered online and free of charge

To register, please follow this link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/weeds-in-wildlife-microbiomes-antibiotic-resistant-bacteria-in-wildlife-tickets-559266008687


The spread of antibiotic resistance in wildlife signals an increasing impact of the global issue of antimicrobial resistance.

This talk will discuss the widespread occurrence of antibiotic resistance in Australia’s wildlife. Comparisons of antibiotic resistance in flying foxes and koalas, in free-range animals and those undergoing care, will also be presented.

The talk will end with a discussion about the significance of antibiotic resistant bacteria in wildlife, and the health and management of species.

The presenter is Professor Michelle Power, School of Natural Sciences Macquarie University. Michelle is passionate about science and making a difference to wildlife health. Her research focuses on transmission of disease agents at the wildlife : human interface, with foci on zoonoses and reverse zoonoses.



This news article was published on 04 July 2024.