NSW DPI March Update


Japanese Encephalitis Update

Many piggeries are reporting symptoms similar to Japanese Encephalitis (JE) this season, however there has only been one confirmed positive case in NSW. NSW Health mosquito surveillance has found persistent high mosquito numbers across inland NSW with moderate numbers in the Sydney basin and coastal NSW, with a large proportion of these mosquitos being the two suspected JE vectors, Culex annulirostris and Aedes vigilax. This suggests that there is potential for spread of JEV for the next few months.

Vets are asked to continue reporting and investigating suspect cases of JE in pigs with clinicals signs including abortions, mummified or malformed foetuses (often of varying size), giving birth to stillborn or weak piglets with neurological signs. Young pigs can be infected and present with neurological signs, paddling, tremors, or convulsions. Boars may experience infertility and swollen testes.

Visit the DPI JE website here for more information.


Australian Pork Limited Evidence of Absence Project

The Australian Pork Limited (APL) evidence of absence project is an initiative of APL to improve the evidence that Australia is free from exotic pig diseases. Any veterinarian that deals with commercial or semi-commercial pigs can submit samples from cases with clinical symptoms consistent with the high priority pig diseases for Australia. More information is available on the AHA website


NSW Department of Primary Industries and Local Land Services emergency animal disease preparedness initiatives for 2023                                            

NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) with Local Land Services (LLS) will facilitate a range of emergency animal disease (EAD) surveillance and preparedness initiatives throughout 2023, as part of a $65 Million package from the NSW Government for foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) prevention and preparedness. Included are training activities providing the opportunity to earn CPD/VETED points, while gaining valuable knowledge and skills for the varied roles veterinarians can undertake during an EAD response.

In the event of an EAD response, veterinarians and para-veterinarians will be critical for a range of field-based and control centre-based response roles such as Surveillance, Tracing and Permits, so why not upskill in this emerging field?

Remember, EAD risks are not limited to livestock!



Emergency animal disease workshops for veterinarians

In response to the current risk of foot-and-mouth disease and lumpy skin disease, the Department of Regional NSW and the Australian Veterinary Association are working with veterinarians to prepare for and prevent emergency animal diseases in NSW.

We will be holding four FREE workshops for veterinarians and offering Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points for participation.

Attendees will:

  • get the latest updates on emergency animal diseases relevant to NSW Practitioners
  • refine their skills in post-mortem examinations
  • brush up on their lab sample collection and packaging techniques
  • receive a FREE post-mortem and sampling kit for their veterinary clinic.

We will be holding events in Armidale, Sydney, Wagga Wagga and Dubbo.

To register for one of these events, go to the Local Land Services website.



Supply of free EAD surveillance kits to targeted NSW veterinarians

DPI is partnering with LLS to supply EAD surveillance kits containing PPE, disease sampling and autopsy equipment to veterinary practices and mobile veterinarians providing livestock and equine veterinary services, saleyards and other stakeholders across NSW. This initiative aims to ensure resources are immediately available at strategic locations across the state to assist veterinarians undertaking surveillance in the event of a suspected EAD event.

  • Register your interest for a kit here.


National standards for private vets working in emergency animal disease responses

Did you know that working as a vet in an EAD response you will be paid?

To find out more about the national guidance on remuneration and employment conditions for private practitioners working in emergency animal disease responses go to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry website via this link.


EMTrain – Introductory emergency response e-learning modules (3 structured CPD Points)

If you are interested in participating in an EAD response in NSW, the three foundation modules available on EMTrain provide a basic understanding of how an emergency response works. Even if you have participated in an emergency response previously, the modules can be used as a refresher on the structure, roles and responsibilities that exist during an emergency response.

The three foundation modules:

  1. Working in Agricultural Emergencies (1 structured CPD or VETED point)
  2. Induction into DPI Response (1 structured CPD or VETED point)
  3. Information and Communications Management (1 structured or VETED point)

The modules are self-paced and can be completed at any time.


Registration is free, to begin the training enrol here.  


AIIMS Awareness e-learning course (5 structured CPD points)

This nationally accredited e-Learning course provides a basic introduction to the Australasian Inter-service Incident Management SystemTM (AIIMS). This is the management system that is used nationally for emergency responses. The course is self-paced and completely online so you can complete it at a time that suits you.


Undertaking this course will provide awareness about the structure, roles and responsibilities used in an emergency response which helps to facilitate effective and efficient control of incidents. This course is available free through the DPI to veterinarians and para-veterinary staff that are interested in participating in an EAD response. This course will also be valuable for participation in any emergency response (flood, bushfire, drought etc.).


Register your interest in AIIMS Awareness training here.



Other training opportunities

Animal Health Australia (AHA) - Emergency animal disease e-learning

AHA hosts a variety of free online courses related to EAD preparedness, arrangements, and biosecurity on its eLearning platform. Participants can earn various amounts of CPD or VETED points for each course.

Course details and registration can be found here.    


VETLEARN - Veterinarians, Hobby Farmers and Backyard Livestock

This online course is designed to help veterinarians build their business and improve biosecurity outcomes with smallholders, resulting in early detection of an EAD. (2 structured CPD or VETED points).

Registration is online, to begin the course enrol here.  


EMTrain - Emergency response role development courses for veterinarians and para-veterinarians

If, after completing the EMTrain Foundation modules and the AIIMS Awareness course, you wish to further develop your emergency response skills, EMTrain offers pathways for specific roles in an emergency response. This includes field crew, surveillance operations and planning roles. Further information is available once registered in EMTrain on the pathways available.


Register your interest in specific response role training here.









This news article was published on 05 November 2014.