Japanese encephalitis webinar for private veterinarians in NSW


8 December 2022

The NSW Chief Veterinary Office is hosting a webinar on Japanese encephalitis for private veterinary practitioners in NSW on Wednesday 14 December from 7pm – 8pm AEDST.

Registrations are open 

Representatives from NSW DPI Animal Biosecurity, Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute and NSW Health will be providing updates on:

  1. Lessons learned from last season, surveillance results 2021/22  
  2. Managing JE this season 2022/23
    • Mosquito predictions  
    • Surveillance and monitoring at piggeries
    • Notification requirements  
    • Sample submissions and diagnostics
  3. Mosquito chemical control (including safe chemical use)
  4. Human health management


A copy of the webinar recording and responses to Q&A from the event will be made available to registrants.

Please share this event with your veterinary networks and colleagues.

For further information, please contact Jannene Geoghegan, Policy and Project Officer and JE lead via jannene.geoghegan@dpi.nsw.gov.au





This news article was published on 09 September 2019.