Webinar: Lumpy skin disease 11 April 1.00 - 2.30 pm

The nineth webinar in the Australian Biosecurity Series: Lumpy skin disease – what you need to know about this emerging biosecurity threat is on Monday 11 April at 1pm-2.30pm (AEST)

In this exciting webinar you’ll hear from animal health specialists on-ground during LSD outbreaks overseas, vaccine researchers, and from federal and state CVOs, who will outline what government and partner agencies are doing to protect our borders.

Please register here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/lumpy-skin-disease-what-you-should-know-about-this-biosecurity-threat-tickets-305202929177



The Biosecurity Education & Engagement team

Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment

18 Marcus Clarke Street, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia

GPO Box 858 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia



This news article was published on 01 July 2024.