From Monday 1 November there are no longer any restrictions for travel within NSW for fully vaccinated people. Restrictions on travel remain for people who are not fully vaccinated. More details here
Vaccinations and the workplace
The below information has been provided by NSW Safework
Question: Can employers stipulate that workers must be vaccinated, in their job advertisements and employment contracts?
Answer: Yes they can. An agricultural enterprise can create a policy for their business (in consultation with workers if it affects the current workforce) the same as any major change to working conditions under an EBA or individual work contract. You can advertise this policy in recruitment etc but would include reference to “or medical exemption”. An updated policy can be communicated via email to all workers. The Australian Fair Work Ombudsman recommends that “employers should get their own legal advice if they’re considering making coronavirus vaccinations mandatory in their workplace.” More information can be found here
Question: Are employers creating a safe work environment for all employees if they employ people who are not vaccinated? Or could these employers face penalties under WHS laws?
Answer: Under Workplace Health and Safety Legislation, an employer has to ensure a safe and health workplace to the level that is seen as reasonably practicable by SafeWork. Vaccinated people can work with non-vaccinated people as long as the business (workers and owners) have built into their WHS system a way of minimising the transfer of any infection. For the case of COVID-19 this includes creating and following Public Health Orders for their LGA and industry.
Basic health screening at workplace entry, physical distancing, hygiene and personal protective equipment are all areas businesses can deliver on their COVID safe work plan for everyone. More information can be found here or by calling NSW SafeWork on 13 1050
If you require information about vaccinations and the workplace, we encourage you to visit the websites below.
- Australian Fair Work Ombudsman - For information about managing vaccinations in the workplace and requiring employees to be vaccinated
- NSW Government – For information about NSW vaccination requirements, public health orders and restrictions and COVID-19 Safety Plan. In NSW there is no vaccination requirement for primary industry employees
- Safe Work NSW- For information on Workplace Health and Safety (WHS)Law, and vaccination and work health and safety duties
For businesses considering on-farm or industry workshops, the Safework NSW resources provide a list of factors that need to considered when planning these events.
ACT – from Monday November 1 NSW is no longer declared a COVID-19 affected area. This means double vaccinated people can enter the ACT for any reason. Unvaccinated persons need to apply for an exemption. More ACT information here
South Australia - Broken Hill and Silverton are now included in the cross border corridor. More SA information here
Victoria – Orange Zone still in place for Greater Sydney and ACT. The rest of NSW is now a green zone. More VIC information here
Queensland – Border restrictions are set to begin easing from November 19 for people arriving by air. More QLD information here
Tasmania – Only essential travellers from NSW are permitted to enter and are required to quarantine. More TAS information here
Helpful Contacts
To find out more information contact
- Service NSW or call 13 77 88 open 24/7hrs
- COVID-19 | NSW Government
- NSW DPI COVID-19 or call 1800 680 244 (option 6) Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm