NSW DPI: COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 reopening roadmap – updated information for industry and businesses 

On the weekend, the NSW Government confirmed further details on the three-stage roadmap to reopen the state at 70% and 80% vaccinations rates, with the final stage from December 1. 

The 70% roadmap will ease some restrictions for fully vaccinated people currently subject to stay-at-home orders, and from the Monday after NSW hits the 80% double dose target, restrictions will ease even further for those who are fully vaccinated. 

Preparing industry and businesses to reopen at 70% full vaccination - estimated 11 October 2021 

To support and guide businesses in becoming COVID Safe and operational at 70% double vaccination, the NSW Government have collated resources including: 

The summary of public health measures for businesses are: 

  • If a staff member tests positive, whether they are vaccinated or unvaccinated, they must self-isolate for 14 days and follow the advice from NSW Health. Businesses will refer to their COVID-19 Safety Plan and risk assessment approach for further instructions on notifying other staff.
  • Businesses must inform NSW Health if three or more employees test positive for COVID-19 in a seven-day period.
  • NSW Health guidelines will enable businesses to assess workplace risk if a COVID-19 case is identified and confirm actions to be taken.
  • Businesses can reduce the risk of closure or staff going into isolation by implementing rigorous COVID-19 Safety Plans. Other proactive steps businesses can take include ensuring staff are vaccinated and implementing regular onsite testing programs for workers. 

Regarding vaccination compliance and obligations: 

  • Businesses are responsible for taking reasonable steps to prevent unvaccinated people entering your premises. For example, having prominent signs stating requirements, Service NSW QR codes, staff checking vaccination status upon entry and only accepting valid forms of evidence of vaccination, or medical exemption.
  • Authorised officers will monitor businesses re-opening, particularly those that have vaccination requirements, for example hospitality, retail, gyms, and personal services (e.g. hair, beauty).
  • Penalties may apply for individuals and businesses who don’t comply. On the spot fines of $1,000 may apply to individuals for not complying, or for using fraudulent evidence of vaccination or check-in. On the spot fines of $5,000 may apply to businesses for not complying with the Public Health Order vaccination requirements. Further penalties may apply for significant breaches. 

Further information on the roadmap, including advice for businesses as we reopen at 80%, and fully reopen 1 December 2021, will be updated on nsw.gov.au


COVID-19 travel registration has been extended 

Also announced this week, the COVID-19 travel registration has been extended.  

COVID-19 travel registrations are required for anyone who lives or works in a local government area of concern, or in Greater Sydney, Blue Mountains or Wollongong, and need to travel outside their local area. 

If you currently hold a travel permit that was due to expire on 30 September, it will automatically be extended to 31 October 2021. 

Health contact risk assessment matrix released 

NSW Health has released a venue risk assessment matrix to provide guidance to companies regarding COVID-19 infection management – specifically the determination of Close or Casual contacts in light of various factors such as vaccination status, the use of masks, indoor or outdoor settings and the time staff have been in a close proximity to infected persons. The document can be downloaded here.

Vaccine clinic finder 

Vaccination appointments are available at more than 3000 locations across NSW including pharmacies, GPs and NSW Health clinics. Use the Vaccine Clinic Finder to find the next available appointment at a location near you.


Helpful Contacts

Visit the COVID Safe businesses webpage for more information, or the DPI COVID website for more information.   

To find out more information contact  



This news article was published on 22 March 2019.