Reporting of Rodenticide Poisonings


As parts of Australia are experiencing the worst mouse plague in decades the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) is seeking information regarding suspected poisoning of companion animals with rodenticides.

The APVMA encourages veterinarians to report incidences of primary and secondary poisoning through the Adverse Experience Reporting Program (AERP).

Reports can be submitted through any of the following avenues:


Information that is particularly of relevance with these reports includes:

  • Location (postcode level)
  • The number of animals affected
  • Type of exposure (primary vs secondary poisoning)
  • Details of the chemicals suspected/confirmed to be involved; and
  • Outcomes in affected animals

The provision of this information assists the APVMA in assessing the risks associated with rodenticides and facilitates the continued monitoring of the safety, efficacy and suitability of label directions for end-users.




This news article was published on 20 March 2018.