Bushfire awareness training for wildlife emergency response personnel


Nominations are being sought for suitable personnel from the wildlife rehabilitation and veterinary sectors to participate in bushfire awareness training for wildlife emergency response personnel.

Further information is available in the attached flier. Please circulate this information through your networks.

Complete the online nomination form here.

Round 1, commencing 18 February

The first round of training is being offered online from 18 to 25 February 2021.

Nominations received by Tue 9 Feb will be considered for the first round of training.

Additional courses will be offered throughout February, March and April based on demand. Nominations for future courses will be accepted up to 31 March.

This training is being offered as part of the NSW government’s $1 million bushfire relief for wildlife rehabilitators program. Funded through the NSW Environmental Trust, the program aims to support wildlife rehabilitators and the veterinary sector to recover from the 2019-20 bushfire season and prepare for future extreme events. The program runs until June 2021 across three streams: direct grants to wildlife rehabilitators; improving coordination and capability for wildlife response in bushfires, and; improving access to veterinary support for wildlife in emergencies.

For more information.




This news article was published on 20 March 2018.