NSW DPI COVID-19 UPDATE - Tuesday, 21 July 2020


NSW Department of Primary Industries has established a COVID-19 Primary Industries Liaison Team to help primary producers navigate the challenges and impacts of COVID-19 on their business and industry.




The DPI COVID-19 Concierge response is continuing to work with, and advocate for our industry partners.

The DPI COVID-19 webportal will be updated as information becomes available and we will continue to provide you with updates as they are received.  

Key changes to the NSW border restrictions with Victoria

The NSW Government has announced that from midnight tonight, Tuesday 21 July, a new border zone will be created along the Murray river and restrictions for entry into NSW from Victoria will be tightened further. 

Permits issued up until the commencement of the border zone will expire at midnight 21 July. If you remain eligible under the new rules you'll need to apply for a new permit from 22 July.

Agriculture remains classed as a critical service and therefore individuals working in these industries undertaking agriculture and forestry services, including veterinarians, agricultural contractors and shearers, can apply for a permit to cross the NSW-Victorian border.

Under the revised order; 

  • All critical service workers (except freight) are required to self-isolate when not providing their critical services
  • Seasonal workers coming from Victoria will be prohibited from entering NSW.
  • Commercial freight workers entering NSW are required to have a COVID Safety Plan and must comply at all times
  • People granted permits MUST keep a copy of their permit with them at all times. Individuals will also need to carry any supporting evidence associated with their travel.

Under a border entry permit, NSW border residents will be restricted in their reasons for travelling into the Victorian side of the border zone. If they travel beyond the border zone into Victoria, or have done so in the last 14 days, they will be required to self-isolate upon return for 14 days. 

Border residents can check Service NSW to determine if their address falls within the newly established border restrictions. 

Under a permit ‘D’ for critical services - mining, agriculture, construction, energy or manufacturing;


During your time in Victoria you are required to:

  • Maintain good hand hygiene and physical distancing, as much as reasonably practicable. 
  • Minimise contact with others outside your direct household or work whilst in Victoria. 
  • Not have any passengers accompanying you into NSW who do not have a permit to enter. 
  • Keep a record or log of your movements whilst in Victoria, including work or rest stops, for at least 28 days. 
  • Seek COVID-19 testing and isolate immediately should you develop any symptoms, however mild, and notify your workplace.


During your time in NSW you are required to:

  • Seek COVID-19 testing and isolate immediately should you develop any symptoms upon return from Victoria, however mild, and notify your workplace.
  • Minimise your contact with others outside your direct household or work for 14 days after leaving Victoria.

For further information on the NSW-Victorian border restrictions please see the guide to border restrictions or click here to apply. 

The DPI COVID-19 Concierge response remains in place to continue to respond to the needs of primary producers and can be contacted directly at covidinfo@dpi.nsw.gov.au.

Please share this with your networks. 


DPI COVID Support Team


Copyright © 2020 NSW DPI, All rights reserved.


This news article was published on 09 March 2021.