Amendments to the Veterinary Practice Regulation 2013



The NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) has amended the Veterinary Practice Regulation 2013. These amendments provide greater clarity of the controls the NSW Veterinary Practitioners Board has regarding registration, complaints handling and disciplinary proceedings and disclosure of information in certain circumstances with veterinary practitioners within New South Wales.


The amendments include:

  • updating legislative requirements of registered veterinarian’s CPD to align with operational practice and national arrangements
  • removing legislative inconsistencies regarding ‘professional misconduct’ and ‘unsatisfactory professional conduct’, instead providing flexibility for the Board to take into account individual circumstances. This proposal will not change the existing breaches or penalty arrangements for offences
  • providing an exemption to the confidentiality provisions of the Code of Conduct to enable veterinary practitioners to disclose information when required or authorised by law, or where they suspect that an offence under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 is being or has been committed against an animal, or an alleged animal cruelty offence has taken place under the Crimes Act 1900.


The amended Veterinary Practice Regulation 2013 and summary of changes can be found on the NSW DPI website. 





This news article was published on 19 September 2018.