Animal Welfare Requirements for Transport and Sale



The impacts of drought continue to cause immense pressure on rural communities and serious risks to human and animal welfare across NSW.

To guide people involved in the transport and sale of livestock, including horses, the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) has developed a range of support material to provide practical advice on animal welfare requirements for transport and sale.


Help us spread the word

We are now seeking your support to distribute this information.


How you can help

We have created the following resources:


We would appreciate you using and distributing these materials on your social channels, on your website, in your newsletter and in your hospitals.

If you would like hard copies of any materials, or have any queries, please contact us at

For more information about How to Transport and Sell Livestock, visit:


Kim Filmer
NSW Chief Animal Welfare Officer


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This news article was published on 20 March 2018.