Changes to the Board - Welcome to Dr Jane Lord


Barbara Jane Lord graduated in 1980 from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science degree with honours and was appointed to the Board 4 July 2018 as the veterinarian representing academics in the field of veterinary science.  

After graduation, Jane spent the next year as an intern at the University of Sydney Rural Veterinary Centre at Camden (equine referral hospital) where she obtained a Diploma in Veterinary Clinical Studies. She then moved into mixed practice in Albury, NSW, a year later acquiring Albury Veterinary Hospital (later known as Family Vet Centre). Jane worked as a sole practitioner and in partnership in the Hospital. In later decades she worked as an associate veterinarian in mixed practice in regional NSW.

Jane joined Charles Sturt University School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences in 2009. In the School she works with undergraduate students through all phases of the veterinary science course  and is co-ordinator and academic clinician for the final year intramural small animal workplace rotation.

Jane is the Chair of the Veterinary Science Admissions Committee which oversees the selection of undergraduate students into the  CSU veterinary degree. In addition, she is Superintendent of the Kay Hull Veterinary Teaching Hospital.



This news article was published on 20 March 2018.