Resignation of South Australian Board from AVBC


The Presiding Member of the Veterinary Surgeons Board of South Australia (VSBSA), Mr Strachan, informed the profession in South Australia in an email dated 19 December 2018 of the VSBSA’s withdrawal from the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC).

AVBC has determined that it will do all within its powers to minimise the impact of the VSBSA resignation on veterinarians, whether registered in South Australia or elsewhere in Australasia.  Protection of the public remains the key principle.  Until a new model can be formulated, the AVBC will continue to provide its services to stakeholders as if the VSBSA had not resigned.

What is the role of the AVBC and what will be the impact of the VSBSA resignation?





This news article was published on 20 March 2018.