Companion Animal Newsletter for Vets


New and improved NSW Pet Registry - coming soon


The NSW Government is launching a new and improved NSW Pet Registry website to provide an enhanced customer experience for people registering cats and dogs across the State.

Public users of the Registry will soon notice the website has a fresh look, enhanced navigation and a range of great new features.
The upgraded website will make it easier to register cats and dogs, return lost cats and dogs to their owners and improve animal welfare outcomes in line with recent changes to Companion Animals legislation.

What is changing for vets? 

  • Lost and found feature

Allows vet clinics to advise a cat or dog owner they have found their pet via a secure message, without having to call the owner or local NSW council office. 

  • Create/add a litter feature

Breeders will have the option of preparing draft microchip records for a litter of puppies or kittens. They can pre-record the following information for each offspring:

- Gender

- Breed

- Colour

- Name

- Date of Birth.

 This reduces the data entry time for vets so they can complete the record more quickly after they have microchipped a litter.

  • Breeder Identification Numbers to assist with data entry after microchipping

When creating a cat or dog record on behalf of a breeder, vets will be able to enter the unique Breeder Identification Number which will automatically complete the contact information of the breeder. This will further reduce data entry time for vets. The number format will be B and 9 digits, for example: B123456789.
Please note the new Breeder Identification Number will replace all Breeder Numbers currently used in the NSW Pet Registry. Breeders will receive their new number shortly.

Other enhancements

  • Search function 

The Breeder Identification Number, microchip number and rehoming body number will be able to be searched by members of the public wishing to conduct pre-purchase research on cats or dogs. Prospective cat or dog owners can use those numbers to access important information including breed, age, gender and whether or not the animal is de-sexed.

  • Upload a cat or dog photo

This feature enables cat or dog owners and breeders to include a photo of their animal on the Pet Profile page to help identify and return the animal should it get lost.


These improvements are the next phase in the Government’s staged upgrade to the Companion Animals Register and its commitment to managing cats and dogs in NSW.

We will continue to improve the Registry for all users and streamline and modernise the digital registration process including future links with other Government platforms.

The Office of Local Government will provide further information about these changes.

We have also included below a factsheet, video and social media tiles for you to distribute to your members via your own communication channels to ensure they are informed of the Registry improvements. 

The Government also values your feedback about its responsible pet ownership programs including the new Pet Registry website.
If you require any further assistance, please contact the NSW Pet Registry team on 1300 134 460 or email






This news article was published on 19 September 2018.