2018 June - Veterinary Workforce Survey 2018
Submitted by adminVetBoard on
Please click on the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GBBWNNQ to access the Veterinary Workforce Survey for 2018.
The information collected is intended to help the profession, government, veterinary boards and others to understand how the provision of veterinary services may be affected by various factors, including increasing or decreasing numbers of veterinary graduates, career breaks, part-time work, early retirement and veterinarians choosing to work outside the profession.
The survey is administered every second year to examine the current profile of the veterinary profession and anticipate future trends and changes.
There is obvious benefit to the veterinary profession, government and veterinary boards in the data being as representative as possible and we encourage all registered veterinarians to complete the survey
The AVA has provided a commitment that the results will be made freely available to the profession and will include comparisons with the previous survey results. All reports on past surveys are available from the AVA website.
If you have any questions in relation to the survey please contact membership@ava.com.au